
Sunday, September 9, 2012

You want a blog?

Some organizations that have a Web site are now thinking about getting a Blog site. Seems like a nice independent thing to do. But they must think about "hits," the times a person tunes into their blog. If you are a very famous person you can get thousands of hits daily. Most of us are lucky to get five daily and half of them are bounce (means they got on by mistake.)

"If you want to do the right thing and get ahead, use the one you have."

The same can probably be said about all the Web sites out there. For small blogs like ours you need at least five Guest Authors to spread the different viewpoints and to create synergism. You can then get over 100 average hits per day and that is connecting. So if you are stuck with only one viewpoint, and have a regular run of the mill Web or Blog, you will be lucky if you can ever surpass ten average hits per day.

Two big players in the blog game are Google and Word Press. These are by no means the only two, just two well known and popular ones. Tumblr is coming up very strong. The new Dancer - West blog is on Tumblr. Word Press is also very strong in Web sites. Many of our dance clubs are on Word Press.

"Mr. Sandman" ... The Chordettes.

Blogger is Google owned and you don't install Blogger on your server, you just give it your password and everything is in the cloud. WordPress, the other popular choice, installs the software on your web server. You then simply log in and type your post.

Conventional wisdom and the "hit" factor seems to moving over to claims that most people would be happier with a blog than with a website.They both satisfy the need of publishing your content to the world, be it business and product information or just personal thoughts you wish to tell others. We expect to see a lot more Blogging on these Islands.

Pub's Side Note: Only three blogs have over 100 average hits per day and all in town. Town Dancer, Oahu And Beyond and Honolulu Dance Guide.

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