
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's Beginning to Roll

Bernardo Cadiran, Waipahu

Dancing in West Oahu is traditional social, cultural dancing and it means handed down. It means that it has evolved naturally from earlier forms, rather than having been created, established or defined artificially or arbitrarily by professionals.

"The error of youth is to believe that intelligence is a substitute for experience. While the
error of age is to believe that experience is a substitute for intelligence."

We have had an awful lot of amateur teachers in the West, and many teach by movements and not by rote, knowing full well that the same movement may be used in other dances. It means that there is a respect for the roots and for the cultural integrity of the form.

It means live traditional music with intervals between dances. Our dancers cherish the music, and cultural dancing in the West has the regular accepted forms that allow the musicians and dancers to inspire each other. We are in no hurry and accept the slow learning process while learning and we realize that we are enjoying the process tremendously.

"On The Atchison, Topeka And Santa Fe"  - Johnny Mercer

It means dancing at private home parties as an integral part of life, rather than an activity that is separate from life, restricted to professionals and performers, and consumed passively by spectators. As it has been pointed out so often by the Rootzi Tootzis, these can be different people and we must respect the Rootzi Tootzis. The new "public" dance clubs that will be forming will not be with static dance environments.

Social means community, co-operative, rather than competitive. It means respect for those whom we dance with, whether they be partners or others with whom we share the dance floor. No seat controlling for personal gain. It means taking care that everyone has a good time, rather than being selfish and self-centered. It means being sociable, rather than a show-off. It means dancing with a variety of dancers, not just favorite partners, and usually it means changing partners for every dance.

It means being civil in partnering, waiting until the music starts, before asking someone to dance. It means inclusive, rather than exclusive. The term "dance community" is open, in the sense that it includes all those with an interest in dancing, rather than only those who belong to something, or have taken "deluxe" training. Too much private is not so good.

"And if things are going bad, don't worry. That can't last forever either."

Cultural dancing means an activity to participate in, rather than a performance to watch. The distinction between these two groups is becoming clearer and all the dancers are becoming aware. It has always been through "innuendo" from the Rootzi Tootzis but we are now bringing it to the forefront. And we must accept the fact that many of those that are at the "top" can still enjoy the dance along with the rest of us. We don't really want to exclude anyone, we must let them make those decisions.

We will eventually emerge as the core of Cultural Dance in Hawaii, everything else will be the peripherals and everyone will make their own choices. Happy Dancing. * * * *

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