
Monday, February 25, 2013

The West is waking up.

From "Up The Organization" by Robert Townsend

All decisions should be made as low as possible in the organization. The Charge of the Light Brigade was ordered by an officer who wasn't looking at the territory.

Blogger's Law #12E:
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." 

There are two kinds of decisions: those that are expensive to change and those that are not. A decision to build an Edsel or a Mustang should not be made hastily; without plenty of input from operating people and specialists.

But the common garden variety decisions - like when to have the cafeteria open for lunch or what brand of pencil to buy - should be made fast. No point in taking three weeks to make a decision that can be made in three seconds - and corrected inexpensively if wrong. The whole organization may be out of business while you oscillate between baby-blue or buffalo-brown coffee cups.

"In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate in power,
but also carries the ultimate responsibility."

The triumvirate, Caldwell, PRP and Boylan will state flatly that the rail and the bus rates will remain the same. They are not really lying as per usual. They have only failed to inform everyone that the rates will go up to seven dollars per, for both the rail and the bus. So how do you like them potatoes? Did somebody say ten? He He He.

The NRA does not live in a civilized society like we do. they live with the kind of people that shoot innocent people because they have rights. Not only that but if they are male then they consider themselves men if they shoot bullets. The ignorance is appalling ! The Ku Klux Klan, the Tea Party, unfortunately they are all around us. Ignorance can be cured, stupidity is forever.

NRA must have their toys in order to feel like real men. Real men live a civilized world and trying to. The most recent response by the NRA show a glaring example of the nut cases most of them are. Armed Guards in all schools, Armored buses for the kids. Hey, some people are pretty bad.

Pub's Note: The organizations in the West are becoming more aware along these lines and that can only be good for the all the reader/dancers.


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