
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Pandemic, last part.

Received from Richard Takahata:

Testing and testing methods are subject to human errors and mistakes, which only favors the virus, and makes our problems much worst. People tested false negative, get a free pass out of jail/quarantine and get to run out free to only to infect more people, before they finally feel truly ill - too late for everyone else that got infected. Thats a way you get community spreading here in Hawaii and in many other places, and why all these closures could last longer and longer - till get it right, or we finally get a vaccine, in two years?


China News - they claim that new COVID19 cases stopped weeks ago at 80K+, and is impossible to verify. Their previous curve of new cases would have them at over several millions of cases by now and still growing - not what their Glorious and Beloved leader wants the world to know - that COVID19 is winning in China. Unfortunately, we started a month late in this country and COVID 19 is now in all 50 states and getting more firmly entrenched. The death rate will continue to rise in spite of Trump stating that the Trump Plague has been contained. May God help us all.

"It is because of hope that we suffer, but it is through hope
that we will change things for the better."

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