
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Update Rerun #61

Not so good. It is tottering around the mid teens in average hits per day. The Rail Disaster has had a devastating effect on the entire Corridor. But some people are making millions and millions of dollars in profits. So what's wrong with a little profit here and there? Does anyone know how much it costs for those "rubber stamps" on the HART board? Would be funny if it weren't so serious.

From the Creative Researchers And Producers in Honolulu:
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it,
and eventually everyone will believe it”

West Honolulu led by Kalihi is shaping up to be a good place if you can find a place at least 3 blocks from the Rail Noise. Steel wheels on steel rail, is one of the most horrible sounds in the world. And that is why the Fat Cats are already thinking of some very low cost housing in that section. It will be the new slum area of Honolulu. There are many places in Kalihi that are developing into nice neighborhoods. Those with money want to get as far away from the Rail Catastrophe as possible.

There are still many residents in the non lessons mode, street or club dancing without formal teaching. But these people go to town for that. Specially since some of the Night Clubs are leaving this section. Now Kapolei and the Waianae Coast is looking better all the time. With 100 thousand residents, there are close to 5000 potential social dancers in the area. Another dance club is certain and of course the increase in Night Clubs with a dance floor.

"I'll Be Seeing You" by Jo Stafford

Anyway the West and Second City are going to be coming out of it in spite of the Rail Crisis. More people are getting on the band wagon. Da Rail Mess has got to go.

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