
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Feedback - information - share

Yes we get most of our information from dance blogs nationwide and much also comes from our fellow dancers on Oahu. Very little from the Professionals. And that seems to be just fine with the readers. The view from the Ivory Towers is much different in the courtyard and even more so outside of the Castle walls. This has really been a long time coming and this diversity of information  is surprising many dancers.

“Social dancers believe they should dance while they have strength.
Dance while they can move their being. Think great, be great"

Spreading the word by conversation continues and it seems to be the method of choice. Slowly the hits are increasing as more people realize the currency of the information and the fact that it comes from members of our "own group." I didn't realize it until recently, but this group is forming all on its own. And of course these are the people that will help the most. Stands to reason. I expect the top group to increase to about 30% by the end of the year.

"We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister (1984)

We are aware that dance clubs and other dance organization in the neighbor islands are pretty well tied up in other commitments so we cannot ask them for anything. However, if they wish, email it and I will post in the blog of your choice. Individuals can still do what they wish to do. So we invite photo contributions, snippets of dance information and perhaps you can even think it over to becoming a Guest Blogger in the blog of your choice. I need help to get rid of my best blog.

"And it has occurred to me that there is no such thing as blogging. There is no
such thing as a blogger. Blogging is just writing — even bad writing,
using a particularly efficient type of publishing technology."

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