
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Wots Doin'?

Throughout the years, I have heard or read little items of the Hula being danced in Japan. But I am beginning to believe they like it over there. I came across some posters on the Internet of Japanese ladies dancing the Hula in Japan. Probably to Hawaiian music played on a Steel Guitar. Hula is the soul of Hawaii expressed in motion. No one knows its exact origins but Hawaiians have many tales that agree that the first hula was performed by a god or goddess which makes the dance a sacred ritual. I believe you can find it just about anywhere on this world.

"All social dancers know that there are other ways of partner dancing,
such as competitive dancing and exhibition dancing. No hu hu."

We need to share all kinds of dance information for our readers. I just don't do night club enough nowadays. But our readers should have a little more knowledge of what is going on in the Night Club circuit too. You might eventually have some info to share.There are so many clubs that are not suitable for our kind of dancing. The readers should have more recommended choices. Then we can flock there until the floor get too crowded, then move on to another. "Basic" is the most fundamental or essential movements in each dance using its natural step rhythms and its styling movements in their simplest forms.

"Night And Day" by Jimmy Borges

Just a little reminder that I have some difficulty getting around. But I certainly will make the effort to go to a dance function if I am invited. I cannot dance or eat, so I would be there to blog'em. I do not want to interfere. I can usually get a brief description of the happenings. And I try to get an opinion from a few participants. And I do require help in getting the photos for the blog. I take my point and shoot camera and I pass it around. Those willing may get five or six pics each of their closer friends and I get a very good assortment of attendees. Needless to say two people in the photo are better than one. More people per photo.

"Blogger Law #68C: Anything worth doing is worth overdoing."

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