
Friday, April 4, 2014

What Snew?

Everything rolling along peaceful and calm. No great jumps forward or backwards. The dance blogs are in a plateau and our top blog remains Town Dancer averaging 150 hits per day. It pretty much has had to cover a large territory but much of it is now being covered by other blogs.

"How much you know is not as important as what you do
with what you know."

The results of the competitions on the Mainland were covered very nicely in another blog and their hits went through the roof. For us it is coming down to local town doings and a few outside competitions. But we still consider all blogs not "instead of" but "in addition to," to whatever you have now. The advantage our blogs have is the recency and currency of the published information.

"Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult

And we can also expect some kind of competition to evolve but it can be healthy for the reader/dancers to have a variety of viewpoints available. The counters on my blogs have been kept hidden because Blogger includes the scam, spam robot hits. So the actual legit hits are much less. Perhaps in another year they will be able to furnish real stats to use as a tool in blog promotion.

Failure is the mother of all creativity.

Some people will go so far as to advise that anyone who wants to get creative should get into something is that is likely to fail. You can fail in a lot of things in life, and even hope you will fail in a lot more. I don't agree because I fail enough already, I don't need to look for it.

Most people are afraid to fail, but once you have done it, fully realize it and accept, it is not so terrible.There is a sense of freedom that you get from taking chances. From the words of a song. "Freedom is just another word for nothing to lose."

Q: Which dance will a chicken not do? - A: The foxtrot!

From some of the complicated stuff I come across:
Biomechanical analysis has allowed the amplitude, speed, duration and variability of body movements to be calculated. Analysis has been concentrated on three body regions: legs (ankle, knee and hip), arms (shoulder, elbow and wrist) and the central body (neck and trunk). I think they know what they are talking about, but I would rather not get into it.

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