
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Slow Going

We should have some understanding of the problem. Too many places and bands have enough advertising. Radio, TV, Newspapers and Magazines. Not to mention that many have flyers and most have their own Web sites, (no counters of course.)  Many feel that they are at the top of their world and they could be right.

"It is hard to believe that a person is telling the truth when you know
that you would lie if you were in their place.

So Blogging for many is still an unknown product. For what?!! We suggest that it may help those that are not yet at the top and still struggling to make a name for themselves on this Island of Oahu. It will take a while for the reader/dancers to see it. But it is slowly coming about because it is free and it is dancers helping dancers so that we can all enjoy the benefits of dancing to our favorite music.

Most blog sites are free and anyone can contribute information to be shared with the reader/dancers. No, not in Finland, or South Africa or Australia. You have to use Twitter or Facebook for those. We only have da kine local, mostly on Oahu. Our Friends, Neighbors, Relatives, and Fellow Dancers. We must find those that could use our help in their public relations. It will evolve into Social Media and we will all know it when it happens. Meanwhile we also have to find out what kind of dancers we have in the evenings.

"Island Feeling" by Loyal Garner

We have many evening dancers that push themselves to do things better and better with precision and musicality. They wish to be out in front, a natural human tendency. At times, they will push themselves beyond limits and it will seem that they are over focused on dance. Fortunately, most of us are just social dancers and just want to enjoy moving to our favorite tunes.

"Pearly Shells" by Don Ho

Of course, some dancers can either be very friendly in the clubs and dance with lots of people or stand offish and only dance with friends or other good dancers in order to push their limits. Most of us will know the difference. We don't have to get mad or get even, just have a little understanding.

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