
Monday, September 7, 2015

Small Dance Clubs

There are literally millions of blogs on the Internet. And many blogs and web sites as well have perhaps 5 to 9 hits per day simply because they are new and have few readers. They have no counters either so they don't know how many hits they get.  I pushed the envelope, went up to ten blogs and clearly over diluted the readership.

 "Don’t quit when the tide is lowest, For it’s just about to turn"

Any blog with single digit average per day hits is out. I now have eight blogs, with counters, so that I have had the opportunity to make the stats for the eight blogs and to test the different aspects of social blogging. All my stats are based on the number of hits that Blogger makes available to us. And I am at the point when one more has got to go. Seven blogs seems to be about right and I count only legit hits.

Dance Hawaii in Waipahu moving right along with a good affiliation in the United Visayan Committee. The social dance club is relatively new and getting more of the beginners. Line dancing is prominent and beginners take good advantage. They will have a good shindig on Saturday and I will blog'em. I hope to get some photos and items of information.

"Sweet Someone" by Don Ho'

The existing clubs seem to be solidifying but there will be new ones on the coasts. The Rail Disaster has brought that out. It is much better to live, work and play in your own kuleana. Thirteen, fourteen hour work days can and should be avoided. That leaves, Waianae, Kapolei and the North Shore wide open for living in Paradise. 

 "What A Wonderful World" by Bruddah Iz 

Then there is this old time dance club, situated in town and many of the old timers that were there long ago have simply passed away. Now they are starting to pick up new beginners. Free dance classes Wednesday and Thursday. Come on in, no membership fees.

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