
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Comment on anti-gossip may be included in all of our blog sites. With these blogs there seems to be a little less influence by the Creative Researchers And Producers.

"This is a brief life, but in its brevity it offers us some splendid moments and some meaningful adventures."

It may eventually be our goal to separate the lies from the truth about gossip in our blogs. Fortunately, there will be different points of view in the blogs and stated positively by the Two Centers and the Guest Authors. That will be a big step ahead.

"Rock and Roll is Here To Stay" by Danny & the Juniors

Gossip can mess up the best of relationships, in the happiest of families. Gossip divides, destroys, shames, angers and separates friends. Gossip never fixes the problem, only destroys the victims reputation. Gossiping will never straighten your neighbor out, cause your sister to be a better housekeeper, or heal a broken heart ... in fact it will cause just that.

A gossip has no bounds and actually hold their listeners captive by assuring them that they will be next if you double cross them. Fixing this for the better will be in our blogs from everyone of our Information Contributors. 

"The world is a very lovely place, and it's a very horrible place -- and it doesn't care about your life or mine or anything else."
"I keep six honest serving-men - (They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What, Why, When - And How, Where and Who. 
I send them over land and sea, - I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for me, - I give them all a rest." 

"I prefer to believe the best in everybody, and from there,
they can change my beliefs."

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