
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Da Latest

I get a chance to read a lot of information about dancing. And I am firmly convinced that Our Type of Dance is also in three normal divisions, small, medium and large. The "small" are the ones that dabble in a little dance now and then, but it doesn't bother them and they can leave for long periods of time. They are perhaps ten to fifteen percent of the total dancers.

 "If you want to go fast, it is best to go it alone. If you want to go far, we can go together."

The "large" correspond with our teachers, exhibition and competitions dancers who are pretty close to 24/7 on dance. Dance is a very big and important part of their life. Whichever part they have decided to dedicate themselves to, ten to fifteen per cent of the total dancers.

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

The middles, (the normal curve) between 70 and 80 per cent of the total dancers. That is most of us. We are mostly interested in enjoying the social aspects of the music and the dance. Tricks and fancy stuff are for OP (other people.) In the old days even the silence was appreciated. The breaks between songs played by the orchestra, maybe 30 seconds or even up to a minute. But well received, time to take the lady back to her place, an extra zip of the drink, a few comments. That was living it up.

Then direct from the Internet, far deeper studies on dancing. These people are out to get data. I don't think any one in our group understands any of this. Or maybe it is just me.

"The tests were used to check for normal distribution of each movement variable both for combined body regions and their constituent parts. For variables with normal distribution, moment correlations were performed between mean ratings of dance quality and each of the three body regions for movement amplitude, movement variability, movement speed and movement duration. For variables that were not normally distributed, Spearman’s rank correlations were used."

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