
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Thinking in Waianae

Yes, there are plenty people that are thinking on the Waianae Coast. We are not going to be led around by the Fats Cats in Honolulu. Some of them don't even respect science. Do we think that science is going to save the world? We don't know, but what we do know is that the absence of science will destroy us. The Fat Cats don't know from Shinola. It's the bread, Fred.

 "Life's too short just to do what you're told!"

We Can Dream, Can't We?
We can look at the improvements in the quality of life around the world. And it has been brought about entirely by advances in science and technology. On the Waianae Coast it had been increasingly good. We also know that for East Oahu, the Rail Disaster is not it.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

Meanwhile the food situation is looking pretty good even for the homeless. There are several organizations that are out to feed the hungry. And the supermarkets learned some time ago that it is much better for the people if they compete for the customers. The results are good prices comparable with downtown Honolulu.  And fortunately we have some very good restaurants along the way. Honolulu doesn't have a monopoly on good cooks.

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

Drinking oasis are too few and far between and very small, private like deals, except for the military of course. There will be a nice Cocktail Lounge coming up soon that can keep a Shopping Center open a couple more hours than they are opened now. A couple of places could compete with one another and might give us a Night Club. The entire enchilada is looking good. If we could just get rid of the Choo Choo train. We deserve it.

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