
Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Here on the Island of Oahu, there are more beer drinkers and hard liquor drinkers than there are wine drinkers. And yet throughout history, wine has been the most mentioned alcoholic beverage. And according to my limited knowledge, the dancers have many good connoisseurs of drinking wines. (plural.)

Here, the news—very good news, indeed—from the latest studies. 

There are health benefits that come from moderate wine consumption, defined by the American Heart Association as one to two four-ounce glasses a day. The Evidence: These Wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer or spirits drinkers.

 "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain
"You know she was a dancer, She moved better on wine."

Wine drinking reduces Heart-Attack Risk and the evidence is that moderate drinkers suffering from high blood pressure are 30 percent less likely to have a heart attack than nondrinkers. Source: a 16-year Harvard School of Public Health study of 11,711 men, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, 2007.

 "Red, Red, Wine" by Neil Diamond
"Red, red wine, Go to my head. Make me forget that I, Still need her so"

Wine drinking lowers Risk of Heart Disease. Red-wine tannins contain procyanidins, which protect against heart disease. Wines from Sardinia and southwest France have more procyanidins than other wines. Source: a study at Queen Mary University in London, published in Nature, 2006.

Wine drinking reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Moderate drinkers have 30 percent less risk than nondrinkers of developing type 2 diabetes. Source: research on 369,862 individuals studied over an average of 12 years each, at Amsterdam's VU University Medical Center, published in Diabetes Care, 2005

"The Way" by Fastball
"They drank up the wine, and they got to talking

they now had more important things to say."

Wine drinking lowers Risk of Stroke. The possibility of suffering a blood clot –related stroke drops by about 50 percent in people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. Source: a Columbia University study of 3,176 individuals over an eight-year period, published in Stroke, 2006.

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho
The entire song is about Champagne

Wine drinking cuts Risk of Cataracts. Moderate drinkers are 32 percent less likely to get cataracts than nondrinkers; those who consume wine are 43 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those drinking mainly beer. Source: a study of 1,379 individuals in Iceland, published in Nature, 2003

 And now that wine can be produced so inexpensive in Latin America, you can imagine the increase in wine drinking with Latin Music and Dance. Like peaches and cream already in most of the capitals. In the outskirts they still tend to go for the local rot gut which is pleasant enough.

"Never miss a chance to dance - and dance your heart out."

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