
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Live Music Fans

On any given Saturday night, only one half of the dancers attending the night club function are real "Live Music Fans." The rest are there only because it is their night out and what the hell, this is as good as any. Perhaps we are wrong and somebody out there has a different opinion. Use the comments in the blog or email to us and we will post it.

"In our Dance World, malicious gossip may be carried by haters,
spread by fools and accepted by idiots." 

The regulars acknowledge the band. At the beginning of the performance, they nod to them, look at them and acknowledge them during the performance by turning towards them and looking at them every now and again, and finally bow to them and encourage the audience to clap for them at the end of a performance. This is a social world and they may communicate non verbally with the band. They may agree to a communication code beforehand, to communicate if they would like the music to speed up or slow down.

"At Last" by Glenn Miller, Ray Eberly on vocals.

They listen to the music and try to enjoy it. As they dance, they try to take in as much of the music as they can. This does not mean hitting every accent (dancing like this would seem too mechanical) but pay attention to the music. They do not forget to smile and relax, - an intense look of concentration on a dancer’s face does not look good! - So enjoy yourself, everyone around you is having fun too.

"As dancers, we dance for ourselves and if someone understands, that is good. If not then no matter, we shall continue to do what we love to do." 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Men Dancing On Oahu

By Penelope Cruz, Aiea

It has been found that young women rated young male dancers higher when they performed large, variable movements of their head, neck, and torso. Male dancers were also considered "good" dancers if they displayed fast bending and twisting of the right knee. They have used motion-capture technology to record different males dancing in different ways. To avoid bias, when the females were asked to identify which dancers showed strong dancing ability, they only saw plain grey avatars.

"Most dancers know that honesty is an expensive gift.
So don't expect it from cheap people."

In humans, dance is a set of intentional, rhythmic, culturally influenced, non-verbal body movements that have been considered to be an important aspect of sexuality and courtship attraction. Dancing ability, particularly that of men, may serve as a signal of male mate quality in terms of physical strength, prenatal androgenization and symmetry, and thus affect women's perceptions of men's attractiveness.

"Little Things Mean A Lot" by Kitty Kallen

Case in point: Patrick Swayze in "Dirty Dancing." Of course, there's absolutely no guarantee that a guy swinging his head around and twisting his right knee will make him more attractive, but the rhythmic use of these types of moves could help a young guy with two left feet seem much more skilled. So guys, if you plan on cutting up a rug this weekend, consider adding a few of these moves into your repertoire.

And the best place to learn and develop these moves is in line dancing. You don't have to worry about a partner and you can develop your moves according to the way you feel the music. And we all know they need more men in Line dancing. So git wid it. And by the way, what is the difference in the over forty, more experienced dancers that are dancing in a different way?

"Social Dancers know that we do not have to dance better than anyone else.
We just try to dance a little better today than we did yesterday." 

Friday, November 25, 2016

So Many

There are so many fans of live music on Oahu, that I have been very surprised that we don't hear much from them.This is supposed to be Social Media. But of course, I realize that not many on this Island know what that means. That is OK, none of us know everything but we can sure learn.

"The most destructive force in our dance world is gossip and those
who spread it. Most dancers try not to get involved in it"

A Blog site is not a Web site. They are two separate kinds of communication. Our dance blogs are much more current and the readership increases with the increased amount of input into the blog from others beside the blog originator. We do not know much about the Live Music dance scene. But there are an awful lot of people out there who do. Email it to us and we will post and share with our reader/dancers. A photo or two, wow, think of the appreciation from so many people.

"Stranger In Paradise" by Tony Bennett

An advantage of dancing to live music is that there much less incentive to "show off." No hu hu, a natural function of many dancers. But to live music the dancers tend to react more to the music with basic movements and less worry about whether they are dancing "correctly." And moving to one's favorite song is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Drunk or Sober. This is Social Dancing.

From the Rubiayat by Omar Khayyam, one thousand years ago.
"Ah, my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears, To-day of past Regrets and

future Fears - To-morrow? - Why, To-morrow I may be Myself
with Yesterday's Seven Thousand Years." 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Alert All Readers

We just got a whole slew of scam spam robot hits from all over the world. In Platinum Horseshoe they are coming mainy from Poland and Bosnia. I am still not sure what they are getting from us, but I think they have made a mistake if they think I am going to look them up. So Platinum Horseshoe is now averaging over 133 average hits per day. That is 4000 hits per month. So don't be fooled with the stats on our blogs.

Now we know for sure, "Politics is too serious a matter to be left to Politicians."

Dear Lord:
So far today, I am doing alright. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or self-indulgent. I have not whined, complained, cursed, or eaten any chocolate and I have charged nothing on my Credit Card.
But I will be getting out of bed in a minute and I think I will really need your help then.

"I Believe" by Frankie Laine

I keep receiving news about possibles in Night Club dancing in Waianae and Ewa Beach. But not enough so that I can go and see for myself. Plenty of news on the building in progress in the Kapolei shopping area but nothing on the developing of a social night life and most places roll up the streets by nine. But it has always been that way in the West. And the West will come into its own but perhaps not in my time. The Present Rail Party is doing every thing it can to slow down Second City. Million and Millions of dollars in profits in the Gravy Train.

A neutron walks into a Pearl City bar and orders a drink. When the neutron gets
his drink, he asks, "Bartender, how much do I owe you?" The bartender replies,
"For you, neutron, no charge."

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Going Out?

Whether by yourself or with someone. When it comes to preparing your stomach for a little imbibing in the evening, carbs are your best friend. And when it comes to carbs, there is no dish that goes down easier than a simple plate of pasta. If you’re prone to acid reflux or heart burn, avoid too much tomato sauces in favor of one that is cream-based. A classic carbonara is a great option as the egg and cheese fortify along with the noodles.

Dancers know that, "When people cut you down or talk behind your back,
they took time out of their pathetic lives to think about you."

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Of course, we also have heard advice on eating "while" you drink and dance. That requires some small pupus that can be eaten with chopsticks,.  Would be dandy. Gradually we are going to incorporate dining, dancing and nightclubbing into one big social environment. We just gotta avoid the Rail Catastrophe as much as we can. Though we cannot avoid the cost of the Rail Mess and that means all the islands have to pay too.

"Wine can be a passion. it's family and friends. It's warmth of heart
and generosity of spirit. Wine is art. It is culture. It is the essence
of civilization and the heart of living."

Monday, November 21, 2016

Listener - Dancer

Live music fans can also be divided into three different groups.

The Listeners at about 30%, in which at a young age they learned to listen only. They may move around at a very young age but soon lose that nonsense. By the time of their teens they become very heavily involved in listening to music on their portable "whatever",  and are always looking forward to the Latest hits. Then they phase over into the going to concerts, which have done very well in the past half century.

"Most dancers seem to know, that those people are not happy
with their lives if they are busy discussing ours."

Then we have the people that are both listeners and dancers at about 50%, They were just listeners but at some point in their lives realized that they enjoyed moving to music. And many did not go into dancing until their forties. They remain the most solid group for the music and dance business and they seem to enjoy dancing any dance and any way that makes them happy. They are Social Dancers.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Then we have the dancers that are only interested in the dance movement at about 20%. Many are extremely well versed in the music and dance, but the music is minor to them, the importance is the movement and the looks of the movement. These three groups can phase easily into one or another and we can accept them all and not look down on anyone.

From a long time wine drinker:
"Taste to me is a wavelength. It is like listening to Gustave Mahler or
Burt Baccarach, it is all good but there is a spectrum of intensity.

Friday, November 18, 2016

The Best NIght Club

Well we finally have the best night club on the Island of Oahu. And they give the dancers all they can give. Of course, they do have a strict dress code and it makes for a nice looking dance group wherever it is done.

(MEN) Collared shirts, long dress pants, dress shoes.
(WOMEN) Fashionable attire, heels.

Sorry, no baseball hats, tank tops, shorts, logo tees, slippers, baggy clothing, athletic wear, athletic sneakers or skate shoes will be allowed into the venue. All the clubs thank the dancers for their understanding and "we" hope the clubs will be more forthcoming with dance news to share with our readers.

"The essence of philosophy is that a person should so live that their happiness
shall depend as little as possible on external things."

Many dancers are moving more into the night club circuit, if only because so few rules on how we dance. If you talk to enough people at any club you're bound to run into some who share the same reasons as you. There are several positive benefits - socializing, letting loose, blowing off steam, listening and dancing to music you enjoy, and potentially finding temporary and perhaps permanent hookups. Of course, none of the clubs tell us anything.

The good thing about music in night clubs is that many are understanding the value of the "Oldies But Goodies. The classics that have sounded good from many years back. That have some connection to our own private lives, that can remind us of joy/or sadness. It is a emotional kick only recently being understood. Easier to find in Live Music. The DJs are very up to date with the latest hits. There are so many opinions on music, we would be interested in what you have to say. Dis da place.

"Life may be like a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends
- on us."

Thursday, November 17, 2016


We are getting closer to this special group that can say "We are for Live Music." It is different from ordinary social dancing to DJ music but we should not be looking down on anybody. At a Live Music Affair we sometimes may have the time and the opportunity before the music starts to introduce ourselves to the band. This will also be the opportunity for them to ask if we have any requests for a particular song. This is Social Dancing, da reel teeng.

"Gossip is like a bubble, it floats around for awhile and then it pops,
it is a lie and the truth is known."

Request a song if you wish. If you request at least one song, it will show the musicians that you are knowledgeable and you appreciate their music. However, do not go over the top by requesting too much as some musicians can be annoyed by this. Stands to reason and most of us understand this. They are there to please everyone, not just you and they are doing terrific on Oahu.

 "Music, Music, Music" by Theresa Brewer

Most of us have become familiar with the music. We know what we like and are familiar with the most popular songs. Of course, live music does not necessarily sound exactly like the versions recorded on CDs and some improvisational skills are always needed. But throughout the years we have learned what we like and we do like some more than others. It is all personal and it is not all the same.

"Dancers know that the best wines in the world are
the ones we drink with friends."

Monday, November 14, 2016

What Snew?

This blog is in a plateau like most of the others. Blogging is still not for anyone so it will take time for it all to rub in. The Two Centers remain the most important ingredient in these beginning stages. Their contributions in information are very important and not SOS and so are naturally very interesting to any of our future readers. Think of information from just one more dance location.

"All dancers can be the architects of their own fate."

Of course, as they become accustomed to seeing their prose in print, the Two Centers may want to go one step farther and be Guest Authors and do it all themselves. They would have a blog of their own within the blog, with ready made readers. They could open, write, save, publish and close their blogs without saying "boo" to anyone. With three or four Guest Authors, this blog would no doubt go to numbah One in hits and be ready for "Independence."

"I'll Remember You" by Don Ho

At any rate these blogs are evolving into the berries and they have something that I feel we must cover in future blog write ups. The different reader classes, which the new "to be seen" divisions in the last couple of decades have made into a new ballgame. The music that most dancers have enjoyed for so long has been relegated to a lessor importance.

"Stranger In Paradise" by Tony Bennett

The importance in dancing for this "upper echelon," has been in how it looks, it is to be seen, and everything else is minor. And they are right for their kind of dancing. It has influenced much of the younger groups in the fad dances. With the Cultural Social Dancer, music is tied to dancing and must be of prime importance. In social dancing, it is a Big, Big Difference.

"Rome was not built in a day."

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Who Dances To Live Music?

Dancing to live music is a great experience for any social dancer or night club performer. Most dancers are in agreement that it is different from dancing to recorded music. And Social Dancers have been fortunate enough to have experienced this on Oahu. Recorded music is not bad, we have been dancing to technological stuff since the Victrola. With Live Music, dancers have a choice.

"Most dancers are well aware that dancing is a poem in which each
delicious movement to our favorite music is a word."

With live music it is much easier to feel the emotions in the song and the music, because the energy that the singer and the musicians transmit, is much greater than with recorded music. Mistakes? So which of us is perfect? We accept it because it is human and we continue to enjoy. The secret for a dancer is just to relax, tune in and go with the flow of the music. No fancy patterns. just the 60 or so regular basic ones that we dance in sheer joy year after year to our favorite music. And some of us regulars get to know the performers on a personal basis and it makes happy dancing for all.

Yes, we know, the days of the Big Bands are over. We find that seven
or less is best for Oahu. We may be wrong and you may be right.

We don't get much information to share with our reader/dancers because of my physical disabilities and I have lived in Nanakuli for eight years. Now I live in Pearl City and though I must use a walker, I have access to rhe Handi Van. I am ninety one years old but I am starting to roll again, just to get the information to share. In Blogging that is the name of our game. You got something? Email it to me, it will be appreciated by our reader/dancers, (the bodadem.)

"Dancers know that into each life, a little wine must fall."

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Social Dancers

The good, the bad and the ugly, small, medium and large, as adults, we all know the three regular divisions. We assume there are three in looking at all life too and it makes it easier that way than just lumping the whole enchilada in one pot. On Oahu it is no different as applied to dance. We have the deluxe dancers who more often than not are also competition and exhibition dancers. Then we have the run of the mill social dancers that go through life enjoying the moving to good music without doing a bunch of tricks.

"Dancers hate it when people who know nothing about them,
talk about them as if they do."

The third in our dance environment is the "Young Dancer" and they cannot be described as good or bad. They just have a different point of view. And we dancers can never be described as clones. Long ago in my youth, I heard "never trust anyone over thirty" The distinction was made by the young then and we should understand the division without any dislikes for one or another. Everyone knows that there is the young and the older.

"As Time Goes By" by Dooley Wilson

On Oahu, the older dancers who have been dancing for years still enjoy a great range of mobility and flexibility while some of their friends are having trouble getting around, It keeps their minds active, because as they are learning new patterns and new methods, it's forcing their brains to exercise and move around. It's good for balance, which is really good when you're older.

"Be My Love" by Mario Lanza

The classics will remain with the older dancers, decades longer that the fads of the young. The "standard" social dancer is in the process of being developed on this Island and the whole smash will just roll over into the neighbor Islands too. As Social Dancers we will dance with pride along side the Rootsi Tootsis, at Community Centers, District Parks, School Cafeterias, Malls and even Gas Stations. The point will be, to party and move to our favorite music, now that's the berries!

"Just learning that Wine may shorten my life just as much as harsher liquors
but Wine can be healthier in the short run. Hey Hey" 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Let's Hear It From The Bands.

Oahu is the epicenter of nightlife in Hawaii. On every night of the week you can find good local food, live music and dancing in a variety of restaurants, bars and lounges from Waikiki, up the old Moanalua Corridor to the Central Valley and up to the North Shore. The Present Rail Party has stalled everything in Kapolei and up the Waianae Coast. They are making millions and millions of dollars in profits from the Gravy Train.

"He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart."

A few businesses have already gone bankrupt in the Corridor, but they don't care, they don't have to care. It's the money, Sonny. They have been stopping all the business parks on the Waianae Coast and Kapolei too. And "I could been home in 20 minutes." You gotta take the Rail buddy. But there is Live music in West Oahu in spite of the Rail Disaster. Wahiawa and Mililani are leading the way. And there is some action brewing on the North Shore.

"I'll Be Seeing You" by Jimmy Durante

The young don't seem to mind much, but the more experienced dancers know what they want and that is the "Oldies but Goodies." The classics that will never be forgotten by each succeeding generation. I just heard "As Time Goes By" on the Internet and it was just beautiful But I am ninety one years old. That was in my time many many years ago.

Just found out that a $100 bottle of wine is not ten times better than
a $10 bottle of wine. Not even five times better. How about that? 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Grand Ball

From Yanna at DRD

Please Save a date for Divino Ritmo Dance 8th Annual Grand Ball and Showcase
Saturday JANUARY 14th, 2017 at Sheraton Waikiki Grand Ballroom
Tickets available for Sale now!!!
Make your reservations, front row tables going fast.
We are excited to celebrate another year with you, new theme, new show!
for more informations or any questions contact or

Divino Ritmo Dance
350 Ward Ave #200

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Age Makes Difference

Back a half century ago, it was common for the young folk to say, "Never trust anyone over thirty." Perhaps it has gone to 35 now but the division has been set by the young, not the old timers. The physical differences in social dancing are minor. So we can just take into consideration the favorite music in either the young or the old categories. And in Hawaii, the older more experienced dancers are definitely not interested in gymnastic type music or dance.

"Dancers enjoy every moment, the good music, the bad and the
beautiful partners, the inspiring, the not so glamorous
moments, and thank god for the good life." 

On Oahu, many of the young are street dancers, though there are many studios with Hip Hop teaching. Along with the many others that teach exhibition dancing of all types. "Show business." And then there are the dances like Swing, Tango, Salsa, Line that may group into clubs to specialize in their own type - of dancing the night away. Social Dancing consists of at least six different type dances. The most common, Waltz, Rumba, Foxtrot, Cha Cha Cha, Samba and Tango. Line dancing has been being introduced in this century with success. Other types may be introduced depending on the dance crowd.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

The music favored by the young is LAGS, (the latest and greatest syndrome.) The more experience dancers favor the oldies but goodies. And in any period that we are in, the playlist of the, oldies but goodies, changes. In 1976, it was not the same as today, 40 years later. The dancers in the 40 to 70 year old bracket will have their own favorites and dancers get older every year. Just came across "I'll Be Seeing You" which I will never forget. I danced it in WWII - the young never heard of it.

"I'll Be Seeing You" by Jimmy Durante

The DJs go more for the newer hits. They pride themselves on being up to date and the recordings are fairly easy to get. I can get just about anything I want on the Internet, 99.99% of which I do not want. The live bands find a good classic and they can use it for ten to fifteen years. Within a year they do not have to practice. They know that every time they play it, they do better, with more heart, more feeling and it transfers to the listener/dancers.

This blog was made for the fans of Live Music on Oahu.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Aiea Ballroom Dance Club

So many nice members of Aiea Ballroom at the Halloween Dance by Wahiawa Ballroom Dance Club. I hope to be there at Aiea this coming Thursday hoping to see many of the good people from WBDC. I am sure everyone is going to have a ball. Deanie is always so cheerful and we got good music by Bert. Terrific Start.

I couldn't copy their poster so I made a new one with the parts that I could copy. The Graphic easy. The Text to Notepad then to Printshop along with graphic. If you send anything in JPG, it's a piece of cake. Any of that other fancy stuff is very difficult without their private program.

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

Anyway, no problem with photos at WBDC, I hope we get plenty to make a couple big Collages showing dancers on Oahu, having a good time and enjoying life.

"Dancing is not just a pastime, it defines us."

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Live Music on Oahu

Oahu is a hot spot for live music and we all realize that most of it is in Waikiki. You can find some of the best local artists performing throughout Oahu, but most are in downtown Honolulu. And the downtown Fat Cats along with the Present Rail Party are going to do their best to stop it from going anywhere else. Second City is out as far as they are concerned.

"Actually this post is not about you, but if the shoe fits, lace it up and wear it."

You’ll discover music all along Waikiki’s main strip of Kalakaua Avenue, from street performers to local musical legends. Listen to traditional Hawaiian music and watch hula performances at the Moana Surfrider and other Waikiki hotels. Tiki’s Grill & Bar and Duke’s Canoe Club feature contemporary Hawaiian music. Or listen to jazz at the Lewers Lounge in the Halekulani Hotel - Esquire magazine once named this one of the best bars in America. Hey, let's face it, this is very nice. But what about those of us that live in the outskirts. We have to avoid the Rail Disaster. The Fat Cats in Honolulu are well aware of this.

"The Hukilau Song" by Don Ho

Beyond Waikiki you’ll find other music venues. Just a few minutes away in the Ala Moana Center - Hawaii’s largest open-air shopping mall - the Mai Tai Bar features popular island music in a lively hot spot, and many locals attend. Downtown Chinatown’s urban setting is home to stylish bars and restaurants featuring jazz, rock, acoustic and DJs. From Hawaiian music at a local bar to sell-out arena shows, Oahu has a variety of live music spots to discover.

"Mokihana Lullaby" by Loyal Garner

But first up should be Second City in spite of the stumbling blocks by the Present Rail Party. Then the Waianae Coast is wide open. The Central Valley is developing very good and could have become the entertainment center of West Oahu. But the Dance Pavilion in the Patsy Mink Recreation Center was cancelled to pay for the Rail Crisis. And how about the North Shore? Patience.

"The fault is not in the wine, it is in the fault of the one who
misuses the wine or any of other of God's creations."