
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Oahu Night Clubbing

Many are getting into night clubbing and some are goofing up the works. Take it easy. it was meant to be fun for all, not just for you. You should be able to succumb to the mob of people and to lose yourself in it. Where you can close your eyes and you can't even feel yourself breathe, you're feeling the collective breath of the people around you. Where you can't help but move because dancing feels so natural and so right.

"Good dancing engages the brain. Good for you. Great dancing engages the heart."

You don't have to dance well, you just have to want to move to the music and it becomes impossible to just stand still. There is something primal and animalistic about being there that I suppose you either love or hate. This doesn't preclude that there are lots of people who go out dancing to get laid, to be an ass, or be seen at these places, but the core experience is really dissolving yourself into the music and the dancing and your fellow dancers. It may be everything that defines a social dance experience.

"Stranger In Paradise" by Tony Bennett

There will be all kinds of music and the lead will choose the movements to the music. Most can use the Even Steps, just left, right, left and so on, which is just fine if both are newbies. From there you can graduate to the Rock Step and the Chassé. The rhythm in the four count measure may have a slow, quick, quick or a quick quick slow. Take your time and try to enjoy moving to your favorite song. The leader should lead however he feels it. Hopefully the follow will be the star performer.

"Our social dancers are positioned quite well. There are no losers
in this competition."

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Night Clubs, Live Music

Back in days before WWII, we had recorded music but not much because we couldn't afford it. And occasionally we got a chance to see a live performance of some the best orchestras at the biggest theater in town. When we heard someone's record, we knew it.  "Gene Krupa, the drummer, that’s Benny Goodman!" We knew who was playing what, because we listened to these guys impressions so much, we knew how they sounded; we knew what they did. Sing, Sing, Sing by Benny Goodman, "That's Harry James on trumpet."

"Social Dancers dance the dance they dance. They don't
dance the dance that people who dance, dance."

Now you listen to music coming from the CDs and tapes and somebody has to tell you who the person is that’s playing. But nowadays we have millions of records to remember and many do not last in our minds for long. If there are a million published every year how many can we remember as the very very best - it cannot be many. That is the big value of those musicians on Oahu that have an idea of which are the oldies but goodies. And those may be enjoyed for twenty, thirty, forty years later.

"At Last" by Glenn Miller

Disc jockeys do an excellent job of getting the latest record hits in their repertoire. They consider it the prime objective and they usually play their music non stop. But live bands cannot add new stuff as easily. They find oldies but goodies can be played for a  longer period. As an additional benefit there is a refreshing pause between each number. And as far as the more experienced dancers are concerned, that is where they will find the most enjoyable dancing. Specially with Latin music.

"String Of Pearls" by Glenn Miller

The band plays "As Time Goes By" - 75 years old, sounds beautiful and you dance a slow fox trot enjoying every movement to the music. The music ends and you and your partner go back to the table feeling very good. You have enough time to take a sip of your poison and exchange a few pleasantries with your dance partner. You have enough time to digest the good experience of the entire enchilada before they play the next one. That is social dancing, nothing frantic about it.

"Self-praise is for losers. Be a Social Dancer - stand for something.
Always have class, and be humble."

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Even Step and ?

In the beginning it was the Even step, just left, right, left and so on, to the rhythms of the drums. And since it was not a partner dance, you could move the body to the music and the beat, whatever way felt best. Much of it was in place, just jumping up and down. We have all seen the demonstrations by Africans of what they dance in this century. Variations occur, naturally, and they began to walk in a forward direction, then veering off to the left or the right or even just going in circles. Just having fun and enjoying themselves moving to the music and the rhythms.

"Though others may live in the past, Social Dancers learn from the past
and enjoy working in the present towards a better future."

Yes, I have heard that the Rock Step was invented a hundred years ago. 1917? And I have heard more savvy dancers that think it was invented one thousand years back. 1017? Well, I am pretty sure it was not invented ten millenniums back, because that is when Agriculture began to develop throughout the world. Music, singing and even step dancing began soon after that. Then somewhere along the line, something new came about, though there are no records of it.

"Adoro" por Graciella Susana

They wanted to change the direction 180 degrees and go backwards. They kept going back of course, they felt good doing so. Soon they discovered that going forward with the even step or backward with the even step was just the same. However the change of direction was something else and that is when the Rock Step was born. They stepped forward with the left foot and rocked back onto the right foot. And you could rock back and forth several times if you wished. This has been prominently recorded in the Olmec scripts in Mexico of five thousand years ago.

"Abrazame" por Julio Iglesias

Only Caldwell and the Present Rail Party holding.

Within a few decades, another derivation occurred. They may have had a little of the nectar of the gods by then (booze) and they could stick an extra step into the Rock Step. Step forward with your left foot, bring up your left right up almost to your left, full weight and then step forward again. The Chassé. And you could do it backward too. The name is French but that was named a couple millenniums later. And it has been used in at least five thousand different dances throughout the world. You got something new? Yeah, man!

"Sabor A Mi" por Manoella Torres

Breaking News: I have just been informed that some people have not been able to contact me by using the outlook email. I deleted a couple of months ago, and they give you 60 days to reconsider. They kept losing my folders and to get them back requires a degree in programming. I cannot get in to see if anyone called, because I would have another 60 days to get out. I have three other email addresses. Mahalo.

"Social Dancers know that the true losers in life are not those who try and fail,
but those who fail to try." 


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

You wanna dance to Live Music.

Yes, I know we don't get many people willing to share their live dance information with our fellow dancers. Much of it is because they do not accept "ballroom dancers." And they do not even know what a ballroom dancer is. Only that "they don't dance like us." But, fortunately we are all slowly accepting the fact that our way does not have to the right way for everyone. We are not clones and if they can enjoy moving to music some other way, - let them.

"Social dancers often say that in dancing we can make a world where

things are done morally, done democratically, done honestly."

If you are just starting out to be a Night Club dancer to Live Music. Be a little more prepared and try to familiarize yourself with the music of the band you will be dancing to. Knowing something of their music beforehand will certainly lessen your anxiety. Arrive early at the venue, take your time to look around and establish rapport with the waiter, waitress, bartender, and the band if you can. Take a walk around and familiarize yourself with the place. You will find comfort in knowing your way around the place, every time you go there.

"Kahalaopuna" by Amy Hanaialii

As a dancer you will pace yourself very nicely in drinking. Not too fast, but all dancers know that they will get thirsty. And unfortunately Nite Spot owners "know" that dancers are not drunks. So they cannot make all their money on the sale of alcoholic beverages. The cover charge is going up because of this. A cover charge of just 10 dollars and an average of 100 people is 1000 dollars for the night. Pays for a little of the night's expenses.

"Just being able to move to your favorite music in some
prescribed manner could be sufficient."

Monday, April 24, 2017

Dancing Nights

Saturday, the 22nd, I and hundreds of others spent the evening at the Aiea Ballroom Dance Association, 62nd Anniversary dance. I am physically limited and I hadn't been there in about ten years. I did what I could do to make the write up, it was a terrific occasion. However Frank made an excellent blog (The Dance Connection) of the event. He can cover more ground and he knows the place better than I. Tune in, you will find it pleasant and interesting.

"Social Dancers tear down walls and stop feeling sad. They lose the pain,
they let go and smile. They don't just dance, they do much more."

Meanwhile, I am still looking for some commentary on my blogs. Comments are the easiest feedback on any blog. Try it, our blogs are not one way communications. But we should all understand that it has never been done that way. So we must have patience. The Two Center will follow from that. Then perhaps the Guest Author. It will be up to the reader/dancers that are interested in sharing the dance environment with their fellow dancers.

"Somewhere Over The Rainbow" by Bruddah Iz

Most of the night clubs in town are doing very well. It is the ones in the outskirts of Oahu that are having it a little difficulty. These blogs will help wherever we can and our intent is to help the dancers. If we help a club in the process, it is just fine with us. The outskirts of Oahu nightlife will never rival that of a big city, but it exists with a surprisingly wide variety of exciting options for casual beach towns. The Waianae Coast and the North Shore will expand. I am still hoping to see a rooftop bar offering spectacular night-time views of the beaches over the skyline with cozy seating, and cool cocktails.

"Social Dancers practice the philosophy of continuous improvement.
They get a little bit better every day." 

Sunday, April 23, 2017


At present most fans of live music still refer to the person behind the bar as, "The Bartender." Though there has been a terminology for the higher class bartenders. Achieving excellence in either role requires the same degree of commitment. A mixologist is an individual with a passion for combining elixirs and creating extraordinary cocktails, whereas a bartender is an individual with a passion for making great drinks and creating well-balanced experiences.

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

To be successful, you really need both types of pros behind the bar. Some beverage consultants say that capably tending bar and devising sensational cocktails are different disciplines, both of which cater to the wants and needs of the guests and require years to fully develop. It may be that the renaissance of the mixologist in large part is because of the ascension of premium spirits over the past two decades.

"One Night Fling" by Willie K

But bars and night clubs change ever so slowly and the night clubs of today are quite different than the night clubs of yesteryear. In Hawaii we have yet to establish a Latin Dance club dedicated to an all Latin venue of music and dance, from Mexico to Argentina and Chile. And they have Mariachis all the way down. Moving to Rumba-Bolero music at less than 140 beats per minute is still about the best dancing one can do in Latin America.

"Adoro" by Graciela Susana

Throughout the Southwest United States, he said, mariachis are making greater efforts to preserve the music, including the "Son's" spirit evolved from 19th-Century hybrids of Spanish and Indian music. The newer repertoires are mostly rancheras, heartfelt, often self-pitying ballads more equivalent to country music of the United States. But change is coming, the groups are getting smaller and are playing more for dancers than for listeners in night clubs.

"We may be fools whether we dance or not. So we may as well dance." 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Drinking On Oahu

Social drinking is tolerated in many cultures around the world. It is accepted as a legitimate way to celebrate special occasions or just to relax after a hard day at work. Drinking in moderation tends to be viewed as a harmless activity. It is only those who are habitually intoxicated who get judged as engaging in dangerous behavior. In reality there is no level of alcohol use that can be considered completely risk free. But there are a number of benefits that people obtain from social drinking.

"For Social Dancers, dancing is not just our sport. It defines us."

This is why drinking has been popular for thousands of years. Alcohol is often described as a social lubricant. People tend to feel more relaxed after a drink or two and a bit less self-conscious. The effects of alcohol make it easier for people to shake off responsibilities for a few hours. There are many social occasions that are based around alcohol consumption and these can be great fun. Some studies even suggest that drinking in moderation may bring certain health benefits.

The medical profession as a rule has only two alternatives, drink and no drink. Few of them can even perceive that there are many different rates of drinking. The worst being the one who wakes up in the morning and has to have his first sip of the day. And may do this all day long until he falls asleep or passes out. At the other extreme are the ones that drink only for a special occasion such as New Years Eve or at the birthday party of someone special, And most us are somewhere in between. It is these beneficial aspects of alcohol that ensure its continued popularity.

There is still disagreement as to what constitutes social drinking. An individual who regularly goes to the bar and drinks heavily might still claim to be a social drinker. For a lot of people the words ‘social drinker’ just means not exhibiting the classic signs of alcoholism a vague definition not helpful because it is too wide. It means that a person who is destroying their mental and physical health through overindulgence could still claim to be a social drinker. It is necessary to have a more precise definition of what is being described. One of these days we will get a good opinion of this from one of our good readers.

 "Social dancers know that if you dance with your heart, your feet will follow."

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Gotta Work It.

I must get out of the vacation mode and get to work and make more contact with the dance world. It has taken a while for many of the reader/dancers to recognize the names of the blogs. I will try the clubs where I don't have to pay to get in. I made my starting point at Wahiawa because of Wahiawa Ballroom Dance Club. They are doing very well. Next I made contact with Dots in Wahiawa and they seem to have good thing going. They have a Web site and probably enough business so that they do not need additional Pubic Relations. Or they think I am selling something. Patience.

"Social Dancers occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them
pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.”

Next I will try Mililani. I have been told to go to Salsa at Just Tacos but I have to pay to get in, no press privilege. Perhaps someone can help me make another connection. Same thing goes for Waipio. They are already developing a nice social dance group of residents in the Central Valley interested in live music and those dancers can avoid the Rail Disaster.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Beautiful Business Park planned for West Oahu for over to 8000
employees. Vetoed down by the Present Rail Party, naturally.
"And I coulda been home in 20 minutes."

"Just In Time" by Tony Bennett

Then after that I can do my best in Kapolei. For now the Present Rail Party is stopping anything that resembles competition with Honolulu and the original intent was to make Kapolei into Second City. The Rail Disaster is obsolete right now and the residents will regain control of their city. Meanwhile, we all know it's the cash, Nash, it's the dough, Moe. And the Present Rail Party is making millions and millions of dollars on the "Gravy Train." And no one knows where the money is going, He He.

"Dancing allows us to learn our limitations and strengths, our ability to
cope with adversity and to get farther than we thought we could.
We find out what we are made of."

Monday, April 17, 2017

Niteclubbing Feedback

We are getting very little feedback. Plenty of night life on Oahu but they all seem to have their own private little communication spots. We are a Blog, so this is Social Media. This blog has been set up to blog dancing and specialize in Night Clubs. Info hard to get, no one knows how or what information to contribute. The easiest communication to our readers is the comments section at the end of every blog. You can comment on anything using your name or even a pen name. Anonymous doesn't work.

"There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good."

Generally in all our blogs we do not divide into good or bad. Instead we grade everything in threes. Good, Bad or Indifferent - Small, Medium and Large. The night clubs in Hawaii are generally graded according to the size of the dance floor. We deal very little into "Ballrooms" those are different kinds of functions.

"The Uncle In Me" by Willie K

Small floor is less than 13 x 13, about 170 square feet. These are glorified lounges with lots of tables on the side for bottle service. Sure, some people dance. Most people go to these places, however, to sit at their tables and look smug about how cool they must be. And occasionally get up and dance on the dance floor right in front of their table. This kind of clubbing is for being able to say you went to a "cool" hotspot, and to be seen by the right people. And maybe do a little dancing.

"Haleiwa Hula" by Amy Hanaialii

Medium floor is about 20 x 20, 400 square feet. the size of a two car garage. Some people like to dance. Some people like to dance with music (especially bass) so loud that you can feel it overriding your heartbeat, and echoing throughout your body. To be surrounded by and crushed up against dozens of sweaty, dancing, crazy strangers, who are all completely separate from you but completely in sync with you, dancing to the same music. Most DJs are actually pretty good, if not famous.

Large floors, on Oahu, should be covered separately as
they are the supreme for our kind of social dancing.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Comments, anyone?

Had a busy week and my Depression is almost gone. I get a bit in the morning when I realize where I live now, a prison of my own making. I use to live in Paradise when I lived in Nanakuli. If I could move back there again, I would jump at the chance. Now I have too many things to do to get rid of my best blog and do the best I can with my remaining days.

"One critical consideration when blogging is what you write when there
is nobody standing over your shoulder telling you what to write."

Platinum Horseshoe blog is still blogging among the stars. And Town Dancer is bouncing back with good legit hits - few robots or search engines. With all the rearranging, I thought we were going to lose more hits than we did but we are holding steady now. Blogging Hawaii and Dancing Nights doing fine. The two bottom blogs are Extrava Danza, covering the live music and dance scene. And Ritmo Mestizo, covering the Latin music and dance scene. Both are still in the "unknown and uncharted waters."

We still have dancers that dance strictly to prescribed steps in the prescribed way not caring that they are not being judged by the right people like in a competition. They must dance that way. The more experienced social dancer knows that there is actually much more to dancing than this way and the music is first and foremost. All beginners will first learn any new dance by the use and application of prescribed steps but they gradually learn to move to the music of their choice a bit differently. The leader usually leads in simple moves and the followers do beautifully just by enjoying moving in their fashion. Fortunately most are basic moves that have been done for millenniums. Standing her on her head is not it.

"Alcohol is not in my vodkabulary, so I looked it up in my wiskeypedia,
and I learned that if you drink too much of it, it is likely to tequilya."


Friday, April 14, 2017


Received from Salsa No Ka Oi

No classes April 16, 2017 Easter Sunday. We resume April 23, 2017. Those I talked to about the KitKat video, we will shoot on April 23. Team Members Please wear Team Hawaii TShirt. The rest wear Salsa No Ka Oi. Making 2 different videos.

We have had good examples of Social Media in the Platinum Horseshoe and Town Dancer blogs. The reporting of dance activity on Oahu has been terrific with Wahiawa Ballroom Dance Club and Aiea Ballroom Dance Association. The hits have been going through the stratosphere. Now that is blogging. Can we all learn from this? How to share our dance activities with our fellow dancers in these blogs.

"Blogging is an idiom. Blogging is best learned by blogging --
and by reading other bloggers."

Received from the Big Bash in Los Angeles. Many people from Hawaii are attending.
 Some nite clubs in the higher priced hotels will wait on you hand and foot,
but it will cost you an arm and a leg.

"Social Dancers know that it is not just dance,
it is magical, something that sets you free."

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Easter Party

From Yanna:
Social Party This Saturday, celebrate Easter with dance

Salsa night and More….
7:30 -11:30PM
7:30-9pm all Ballroom music after 9pm salsa and all latin

Saturday April 15th at Aloha Dancesport Center
Social Dancing, complimentary soft drinks,
B.Y.O.B and snacks, dance performances
$10 with reservation
call or like us on Facebook

Divino Ritmo Dance
350 Ward Ave #200
808 200 4450

Most Latin music in Hawaii has been from the Caribbean. But most Latin music world wide is heavily influenced by Mexicans and their Mariachi bands. Up and coming with Mexican style music on Oahu will be the Mexican Restaurants that decide to install a dance floor. Meanwhile we can eat good Mexican food here, right now. How about a Latin Waltz, anyone? With a Rock Step and a Chaissé.

"Cuando Escuches Este Vals" por Antonio Fernandez

"Excellence is not a destination. It is a continuous journey that never ends."

Monday, April 10, 2017

What Snew?

We just ran into another classification for dancers. Where do you fit in?

0. Zeros: "What's dancing?"

1. No I never, I just came in to look around. Where are all the ladies? Where are all the men? I don't know if this is my kind of music.

2. Ladies say, "Not enough men." Men say, Not enough pretty ones." I just came in for the exercise, and pass the time. This is transitional period for most people. They come and go and sometimes even come back again.

3. Good beginners with a loose style, and good execution of the basic movements. Most will dance stiffly, the steps are important and the styling is nothing - yet.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

4. Experienced beginners and intermediates, regular attendees to most social functions, some night club attendance too. They begin to develop their own loose, relaxed styling to most basic moves.

5. Very good intermediates, which would include some of our amateur instructors who are developing some good styling along the way. Can interact very nicely with night club dancers.

6. Best intermediates, cultural, recreational dancers with a repertoire of over 40 basic steps and patterns in most dances. Good styling and can advise most beginners along the better lines and sometimes become instructors.

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

7. Solid advanced dancers that are well versed in Gold level and beyond, some exhibitions, and will be specializing into the International style of dance in order to compete.

8. Close to top of the line in all dances, repertoire of perhaps one hundred steps and patterns in every dance, They can become good instructors and usually terrific exhibition dancers.

9. These are verging on the professional and many do move over into the professional, usually for the pleasure of helping others and incidentally picking up a little cash along the way.

10. Nobody is perfect, except you, of course. So where does everyone else fit in?

"Getting Sentimental Over You" by Tommy Dorsey

The amount of dancers in each group are according to the normal curve. Most of our dancers in the 5 and 6 class. The value of our blogs will be in the uniqueness of every blogger that contributes information to share with our fellow dancers. That will be the ultimate and we must be patient.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Deep Purple

"Deep Purple" was the big hit as a piano composition in 1933, written by pianist Peter DeRose, The following year, Paul Whiteman had it scored for his suave "big band" orchestra that was "making a lady out of jazz" in Whiteman's phrase. "Deep Purple" became so popular in sheet music sales that Mitchell Parish added lyrics in 1938:

When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls
And the stars begin to twinkle in the sky—
In the mist of a memory you wander back to me
Breathing my name with a sigh.

In the still of the night, once again I hold you tight.
Tho' you're gone your love lives on when moonlight beams.
And as long as my heart will beat, - lover, we'll always meet
here in my deep purple dreams....

Not too many of the modern social dancers know this but this is still one of the best oldies but goodies. I would consider it a classic to remain there for the rest of this century.

I just signed Senator Gary Peter’s petition to tell Majority Leader McConnell that I object to the use of the “nuclear option” to confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. All previous Supreme Court nominees have been confirmed without this method and making this permanent change to the rules of the Senate puts us in uncharted territory. The Supreme Court is too important to play politics. The republican's reputation drops down daily but this the worst ever.

It happened in a building down town:
An executive got on the 12th floor with a lady. On the 10th a gorgeous secretary got on, poked the exec in the ribs and said, "Hi, Cutie Pie." The lady with the man leaned over and said, "Hi, I am Mrs. Pie."

"Dancers think less and feel more and let the music do the talking."