
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Dance? Anyone? Rerun 2014

In China, nobody knows how many social dancers there are in Beijing, even though they are visible enough. Most of them prefer to tango, waltz and cha-cha outside in the parks, wherever there are open spaces -- under expressways or overpasses, or near major intersections. There are hundreds of these popular gathering spots. In Yuyantan Park, near a cherry blossom grove, dancing begins at 6 am, with enthusiasts paying around 3 cents for the privilege of whirling to taped music. The fee goes towards the cost of the tape recorder batteries.

"Remember:  Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional."

It will never happen on the Waianae Coast. They have to find a nice district park or community center that will permit such nonsense. It is wide open and nobody knows from nothing. There is line dancing somewhere and there was Zouk but we don't hear much about it. There will be enough people getting together one of these days.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

Meanwhile, Waianae Mall is leading in spreading the news on Facebook. The others, Makaha Studios, Searider Productions do a little in Twitter. Western Stories has their monthly magazine out regularly. We invite all of them to use this blog at their convenience. Start as Two Centers and perhaps one will decide to be a Guest Author. No this is not a paying job.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Waltz Rerun 2015

By Jeremy Matsushita, Kalihi Valley.

The Waltz really had its heyday in the 19th century, everybody wanted to dance it, from the highest, classiest to lowest, street dancers. Then during the first World War I, the Waltz almost died.

"Go into the world and do well - but more importantly,
go into the world and do good."

After the war, came a new generation of dancers who knew little of it. Somewhat the same situation that exists for us at the beginning of this century. Waltzes were seldom played and those that were played in 3/4 time had a somewhat Mazurka or Polka rhythm. New bands in Night Clubs arose that seem to take their cue of the Waltz from the slow tempo that still survived at the popular dances.

"The Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

A natural turn (right turn) is a dance step in which the partners turn around each other clockwise. Its near-mirror counterpart is the reverse turn, which is turning to the (left) counterclockwise. However, there was a considerable amount of reversing and the Natural turn was conspicuous by its absence.

The Tennessee Waltz" by Patti Page

Unfortunately, in the 21st century, the music business like many others can be bought. And the ones buying are the younger generations, with their very crude and basic preferences. Rock and Roll, Rap etc. The class music has been somewhat relegated to the backgound. We are lucky that our present dance teachers still recognize Waltz music and dance as one of the best ever created by man. Hopefully it will gravitate down to the younger (up to date) rock and rollers out there.

Pub's Side Note: All of our Blogs claim no credit for any images posted on our sites unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copied daily by many on the Internet. We try to respect copyrights. If there is an image appearing on this blog by mistake, belongs to you and you do not wish for it to appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Summer Rerun 2014

It is truly amazing how Waianae is waking up to the island wide world. Makaha Studios leading the way on the Internet and Westside Stories getting right up there too. With a little Waianae Mall coming in now then then, Wow! Now we may get more business in this sector and many of us can visit Honolulu every six months or so. Why not?

"Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

Unfortunately we still have the rotten tomatoes but no more than in other parts of the island. We also have the drug addicted and the homeless but it seems as though we are getting smarter people too. We will all help where we can. The Industrial Park at Lualualei is going to do a lot for the entire coast. Many of the residents may be able to get home in 20 minutes. Paradise could be here now for us, not for the Present Rail Party who will be making millions and millions of dollars in profits.

Not recommended reading: "Falling Down" by Eileen Dover

"I Can Dream, Can't I?" by the Andrews Sisters

Some one a long time ago said it for the Present Rail Party, = "You can con
some of the people all of the time. and all of the people some of the time,
but you cannot con all of the people all the time." 

Yuzu, First Time. Rerun 2015

Had a nice pleasant day, waiting for news and finally decided to go to Town. Checked the bus schedules and they didn't look too bad. I got ready for the Nanakuli, 8 o'clock C bus that got me to Ala Moana Center in one hour. Amazing, - the Rail Disaster is not going to be able to do that in a million years.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

Took my time going through the Shopping Center and it took me 20 minutes to get to the Ala Moana Hotel, so I would know how much time would lag before I could get the #40 bus back to Nanakuli. Walked around Ala Moana Hotel, hadn't been there in a couple years. Had to ask about the location. And they began to let people in right after 10 pm.

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

I went in, introduced myself, and the people were very gracious and helpful. I got this from the lady at the door, Jose's wife. "The hottest Cuban Salsa in Hawaii with 100% native Cuban Jose Colina Aiza, every Saturday Night at Yuzu Ala Moana in Ala Moana Hotel." And I made the above poster.

I gave the camera to my "Tocayo" and he proceeded to take pictures,
of classes in Kizomba with Cristal Mortesen.

Then I gave the camera to DJ Rod and a few others. Wow, Good photographers out there. But this camera keeps running out of battery charge. I put the other spent batteries and it works for a while. But what do I know?

I left at 11 but traveled a little faster down Kona and got there in 10 minutes. Had a nice wait and fortunately with my walker I have a seat. Got a nice seat on the bus, and waited until I got on Dillingham before setting up my laptop so I could see and hear my song videos. I probably will need a flask with a couple good glasses of Rum & Coke to make it much more pleasant. Just have to be extra careful getting off the bus in Nanakuli.  Got home at 1:15 AM, not bad at all. But I gotta help the dancers out there and I am not going to have to do this everyday.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

New Dancers in the West Rerun 2013

by Fred Chung, Ewa:

The good news that we are getting many new dancers in the West. The interest has always been there, so the expansion was coming. Most have danced before in their younger days in various ways. Now, as adults, they can learn to dance socially, it is fun and it is easy.

"Many of our inventions have been produced by fairly uneducated people -
that didn't know it couldn't be done."

Line dance would probably be your best bet. With no partner to worry about you can learn to enjoy the movement to music in a somewhat prescribed manner. Your ear will get accustomed to the Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha and all the types that are danced socially. And you will develop your own styling as you feel like it in moving to the music.

In a sense it could be like learning a new language, a language in which moods and emotions are expressed in movement; a language of rhythm, grace and harmony. It is new, but in a very real sense it is the oldest language in the world, for dancing is the oldest form of art. And when you look around you and take a good look, you will see that there are many people already enjoying this thing called dance.

"Singing In The Rain"  ...  Doris Day

Dancing is a wholesome, natural outlet for the emotions. It develops grace and poise, timing and balance. Men take pride in their ability to lead their partners with assurance and poise. Ladies enjoy the ability to follow their partners smoothly, expertly and correctly. The ability to dance develops personality, and above all—it is fun. And you can certainly learn a lot on the ordinary social dance floor.

"My Cup Runneth Over"  ...  Max Bygraves
Taking dance lessons is a great way to improve your confidence, it is a great way to get fit and did I mention they’re fun? At the moment our recommendations are for learning in small groups. And there are many social clubs offering classes in the American Style of dance in the West.

Unfortunately, the studios that teach American Style are mostly in town and lately, Arthur Murray has a branch studio in Kailua, which is for the benefit of the Windward residents. In the West they teach exhibition types only. Yes, we are due for one in the West. Ewa?

You'll make it and you'll have fun along the way.  *  *  *  *

Pub's Side Note: Check up on Richie Fun report in Oahu And Beyond blog. Da kine we gotta get now and then. Just an opinion? That's it, in our blogs, opinions are gold mines.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Fred Astaire Rerun 2014

I have made contact with Fred Astaire Dance Studios on the Mainland along with Arthur Murray through my Twitter accounts and they have their hands full where they are at. I have almost deleted all of them, I am doing them no good and it is the same in the other direction. In fact I will concentrate on only Hawaiian Island Twitters. And I have more than one thousand that I am following in four Twitters. I will gradually prune this down to make it really social media.

"The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it is not open."

West Oahu is developing into one of the wealthiest sections on these islands in spite of the Rail Catastrophe. Much interest in ballroom dancing has been aroused. Kapolei Chapter is now the largest chapter in HBDA. And there is a new one Ewa Chapter, HBDA in Ewa Beach and they will make it with our help maybe. And the only Dance Studio in Kapolei does not cover ballroom dancing at all.

"Here In My Heart" by Al Martino

The Oahu West Sector has two Dance Studios, Nix Performing Arts Center and Rosalie Woodson Dance Academy. Both catering to the young and in the performing or exhibition type dancing. With the Arthur Murray Dance Studios in the center of town and in the Windward side, it is more than natural if a new Fred Astaire studio were to be installed in the West Oahu somewhere away from the Rail Disaster.

 "We cannot hold a torch to light another's path,
without brightening our own."

Fred Astaire, born in 1899, began show business at the age of 5, performing on Broadway and in vaudeville with his sister, Adele. Then he headed to Hollywood where he began a successful partnership with Ginger Rogers for nine movies. By 1976, he had made 33 musical films with esteemed co-stars such as Joan Crawford, Rita Hayworth, Ann Miller, Debbie Reynolds and Cyd Charisse. He also co-starred with the biggest actors of that time, including Bing Crosby, Red Skelton, and Gene Kelly.

Fred Astaire died in 1987 from pneumonia. With his passing, we lost a true dancing legend. His effortless lightness and grace may never be seen again. Very few are aware that he invented "Rap" in the movie Second Chorus in 1937. As Mikhail Baryshnikov observed at the time of his death, "No dancer can watch Fred Astaire and not know that we all should have been in another business."

All the present Fred Astaire studios are in the Mainland USA.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

What is a Dance Professional? Rerun 2015

by Janice Hashimoto, Village Park

In Hawaii, it is pretty simple. A person who hangs out his/her shingle and teaches dancing or dances for money is a professional which is pretty close to the truth. However, we are becoming more aware of the difference in dance professionalism. Specially when you compare the entire work attitudes and results of some of our amateur teachers with those that are monetarily compensated.

"Whatever is only almost true, is quite false, and among the most dangerous of
errors, because being so near truth, it is the more likely to lead others astray."

We are fortunate to have some of the best amateur American Style dance teachers in the entire state of Hawaii. These are professionals in all except that they teach from the kindness of their hearts and not compensated in money.

At one time there was quote from a Professional in which he declared that there are no Semi-Professionals, they are paid or not paid and that was the difference, He was referring to the well known, Play For Pay Partners, Dally For Dough Daddies, Boogie Dates for Hire and Dance Escorts for a Fee. He was being kind. Because none of the people that he was talking about were anywhere near his level of professionalism.

"Blue Angel"by Roy Orbison

Since the set up in Hawaii is pretty well done, then all you have to do is look for the results.  And that will take some doing, but fortunately it is coming out. At the moment the easiest ones that are being judged professionally are the Masters of it, the International Style Dancers. And we are gradually coming to the right conclusions even for those of us that do not know much.

There seems to be two groups that consistently produce the best International dancers on this Island. By the same token there are two groups that consistently produce the worst International dancers on this Island. Fortunately for us, (as American Style dancers,) we do not have the qualifications to judge them.

There is more? Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Someone out there is waiting to make a more complete write up.

Pub's Side Note: There are three rules for getting guaranteed hits in a blog. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

We are doing well. 2014 rerun

Almost the entire enchilada is moving ahead very nicely. All except Town Dancer which has been infested with scam spam robots and Blogger cannot do anything about them. So the next largest blogs are going ahead. Platinum Horseshoe in front, followed by Blogging Hawaii and Moanalua Corridor.

"The biggest mistake you could ever make
is being too afraid to make one."

Not too many people will not understand the "soap box." To be heard by your friends and neighbors is age old. Where one person hopes to tell his neighbors what he thinks is good or bad about society around them  Shakespeare set up a scenario in his play, "Julius Caesar." In it, Marc Anthony gets up on a high place and declares, "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend my your ears."

In the 20th century, this was changed by the use of a soap box at the local park. "Listen to me folks." Now, this is the 21st century and we have progressed. Previously, a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and FTP had been required to publish content on the Web. But the blog developed methods for the non technical, making it easier for blogs to increase throughout the world.

"Till I Waltz Again With You" by Theresa Brewer

A majority are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites. There us contact with friends, neighbors and community and blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service.

Indeed, bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also build social relations with their readers and other bloggers. The Two Center in our blogs will be the real beginning and it will go a long way toward this objective. And there will be dancing on the North Shore.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Filipino DI Rerrun from 2016

The "Dance Instructor" has been with us on Oahu all these years but under different names and not just Filipino. In Waikiki, they have been known (from the Beach Boy days) as Gigolos, Play For Pay Partners and Dally For Dough Daddies.

"A lie can travel twice around the ballroom before the truth
can even gets up the stairs."

Most involved with the dance clubs have referred to themselves as "semi-professional." But as has been pointed out on several occasions by an experienced professional, "There are no "semi-professionals." You do for money or you don't.

Lately it has become more readily acceptable as carried over from the Philippines even though it has been here for decades. For some wealthy women in the Philippines, ballroom dancing has risen from a mere social pastime to being almost a way of sustaining life. They love it. The phenomenon had been chronicled in Baya-rang Puso (Heart for Hire), a blockbuster film from the 1990s showing to packed houses.

"Dahil Sa Yo"
 by Cora and Santos Beloy
Afternoon-tea gatherings of the bluebloods of Manila society, known as the "Sparklers," are rich with gossip about the ballroom scene. Which matron has fallen in love with which DI? Which one has bought her DI a new car? Sometimes it is just gossip. Sometimes the ballroom has clearly led to the bedroom. Says a known dance regular: "You can always tell who's having an affair. It's in their eyes and in the way they dance."

"Mi Amor Para Siempre" by Julio Iglesias

Some are shocked, but not newspaper columnist Barbara "Tweetums" Gonzales. "I'd rather have my mother dancing the night away with her DI and having the time of her life than wasting away on her lonesome," she said.

Nearly all Manila hotels offer ballroom dancing, but only one, the Heritage, combines high tea and twirls. Also available there are female DIs. "Men want to dance too," says Geena Zablan, an executive at the hotel. "We have an increasing number of men coming in."

"Adoro" por Armando Manzanero

The Heritage's DIs are paid a regular salary. On top of that are the "hire charges" -- up to about $60 for an evening -- and tips. "You also have to feed him or her and provide drinks," says Zablan. "Like someone who drives for you, you feed your DI because they provide a service."

It seems to be staying in town and does not seem to be moving to West Oahu? Why?

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Social Dancing on Oahu Rerun#11

By Fred Kajima, Pupukea

I acknowledge that none of us can get through the day without making a lot of assumptions. In the world we live in, on Oahu, we just accept and go along. All of us have intellectual, ideological and moral commitments that we bring to bear upon what we think about in almost everything. But the availability of information that we can gather has sped up the rush to judgements, a practice further accelerated by the new technologies, the computer and the cellular phone.

"Social dancers believe that an occasional new dance could be included
for interest or variety, it’s a matter of balance."

And the semi-private club syndrome remains in most dance clubs. We have less patience than ever with the often painstaking task of gathering the truth. We are better informed, and yet we seem more efficient than ever in manufacturing conspiracy theories. Somebody in England said what? I am convinced that our dance cliques are quite different from reasoning altogether. Look around folks, there is more to social dancing than that.

"Sweet Someone" by Don Ho

Reasoning is an art they seem to have forgotten. Blogging seems to be the perfect answer for we must think it over carefully and own up to our opinions in a blog. Much different than the clique where no one owns up to anything and there is no responsibility for all their manufactured lies. We may be phasing into a new era for the good of all. And perhaps we will have a chance to get our two cents in again. Let's blog'em.

Another burning question: How to Porcupines make love?
Answer: Very Carefully.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Perfect People Rerun#10

By Emily Yang, Honokai Hale

Have fun! Eat things that give you bad breath! Trip over your own shoelaces! Laugh! Or even let somebody else laugh at you! Perfect people never do any of those things. All they do is sit around and sip weak tea and think about how perfect they are. If they are Rootzi Tootzi dancers they can look down their noses at the rest of us. But we all know they’re really not one-hundred-percent perfect anyway.

"Social Dancers know that sincerity causes the smallest good deed to become the largest."

Who needs ‘em? You can drink pickle juice and imitate gorillas and do silly dances and sing stupid songs and wear funny hats and be as imperfect as you please and still be good people. We are fortunate that good people are not that hard to find nowadays. We have plenty of them in our social dance scene. And they’re a lot more fun than perfect people any day of the week. We are pretty lucky dancers on Oahu.

"Little Things Mean A Lot" by Kitty Kallen

Photos, very acceptable seem to be dance couples, married or not. And they are twice as good as single persons. Make sense. However I find that three is even better than two and four is even better than three. But, 15 is not better than 14. The person taking the photo will still make the final choice. I in turn have to find the best and easiest way to get them in a blog. And nine photo collages seem to be easiest all around.

"Save The Last Waltz For Me" by Englebert Humperdinck

Soon, we can get from the Photo Takers a good photo of a couple in dance costume, in any kind of dance pose. I can then make a "Tranparent" Photo. Some people out there may not know what that is. Anyway, I can then use the photo where the "box" does not appear. Everything is transparent except the dancing couple.

"Social Dancers find that dance, music, and literature is how we make sense of the world...
it pushes us to think of things bigger than life's daily routines."

Thursday, July 1, 2021

They Dance in the Philippines? ReRun#8

In the Philippine Ballroom Dance Boom, Women Lead
By Seth Mydans, from an old Internet article.

What was former Senator Rene Saguisag doing on the dance floor at the Inter-Continental Hotel, twirling a woman who is not his wife through the rapid paces of a tango?

"Every beginning is a consequence - 
every beginning ends some thing."

''It's exquisite!'' exclaimed the former Senator, once the chief spokesman for Corazon C. Aquino in her improbable rise to the presidency. ''It's good, clean fun and we have lost a lot of weight.''

His wife, Dulce, like him in her 50's, was not far away, gliding across the floor with a man half her age -- another addict of a craze for ballroom dancing that is sweeping through Asia. ''My wife loves me a million more times when I take her out dancing,'' Mr. Saguisag said. ''But we rarely dance with each other; we both have excellent dance instructors. My wife was born to dance. Wow!''

"Young At Heart" by Frank Sinatra

No one seems sure just how the current ballroom dancing fad got started, but in this century it has adapted itself around the region, taking on the colorations of different national cultures and including everything from the tango to the swing, though they seem to go more for the Latin dances.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the ones that I can,
and the wisdom to know it's me."

With the interchange of dancers in the years to come there will be of a mixing in the types of dances preferred for Social Dances in the Pacific. And everyone seems to be going toward the Latin Dances. Paso Doble? fougetaboudit! That's strictly showbiz.