
Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Rumba in Waimanalo Rerun #86

By Robert Ching, Enchanted Lake.

In the beginning, many years ago, the Rumba was a dance that told a story of love and passion between a strong, male lover and a coy, teasing woman. And today the full sensual movements of the Rumba are considered by many to be the sexiest of the ballroom dances.

"Are you really happy or are you just really comfortable."

This dance of love remains one of the most popular ballroom dances and is seen around the world at nightclubs, parties, weddings and dance competitions in its many interpretations. And in present social dancing, Rumba is a slow, serious, romantic dance with flirtation between the partners.

The dance is fun to watch, as many of its basic dance figures of the dance have a teasing theme in which the lady flirts with and then rejects her male partner. The old Indian foot work of toe, heel for a two count slow seems to be disappearing though it is still taught in the Arthur Murray, Fred Astaire studios.

"Besame Mucho" by Julio Iglesias.

Yes, there are many good dancers of Rumba in the Waimanalo area. (East Honolulu) Mostly resembling the American Style of dance. Most will dance the Arthur Murray basic and the follow up moves that are very well known. Some will dance the Fred Astaire basic and the same follow up movements. It is mostly American Style.

And just beginning to invade Oahu, there are some who will use the alternate, the International basic. The man breaks on the dominant beat, and if it is on the 2, they will have the slow on 4, 1 count. The rest is American, the cross body lead, underarm turn, hand to hand, spot turn and all led, followed easily. It is a four beat measure and if you have quick, quick, slow or slow, quick, quick you will do just fine.

"Green Eyes" by Jimmy Dorsey

The Rumba can spotlight the lady's rhythmic body movements and hip actions that may result in intense, almost steamy, scenes of passion, more evident in exhibitions. The shine position, often used in Latin groups, in which the partners separate and while the man does his basic, she "shines" by doing her own interpretation of the moves.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Talk About a Party, continued Rerun #95

Lucky we got Willy and Roy for these Photos.

The men were swinging from the chandeliers and the women were dancing on the tables. And no one notified the police. So I exxagerate but this whole thing is suppose to be fun and these people were enjoying every minute of it.

Nora Dionisio, Roselily Andres, Martin Powell,
Esmenio Andres, Willy Dionisio and Lorna Depew

Left photo: Lorna, Roselilly, Esmenio and Martin.
Right: Danny, Romeo, Melanie and Greg.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people
can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Party time also means Kau Kau time.

"The Tennessee Waltz" by Patti Page

Does everyone know the names?

Pub's Side Note:
We give special Mahalos to Wllly Dionisio and Roy De Leon for these terrific photos.
The members of Kapolei Chapter, the Officers, the fans and
the rest of our reader/dancers, we all appreciate.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Oahu Dance Setting Rerun #84

The study of dancing on Oahu is getting more interesting as the young clearly demonstrate their different preferences. They have all type of gyrations and mostly solo. They learn plenty of tricks and they seem to enjoy the latest music in that fashion. We should not take it a away from them. Let them enjoy it. Most of them will eventually evolve into our type of partner social dancer.

"The truth is like the sun,  you can shut it out for a time,
but it ain't goin' away."

In our neck of the field on Oahu are the top, "the rootzi tootzis." The exhibition, competition, acrobatic, cabaret and all the "to be seen'" dancing. Nothing wrong with that, most everyone appreciates the theater. However, they know they are different from us and glow in the fact. Though I have not heard the term "junk dancer" in a few years. We should agree with them, they are not the same as us.

"Hawaiian Magic" by Carol Kai

For the vast majority we have the usual, small, medium and large. The Beginner just learning to move to the music with a partner and just learning to lead.most of the basic moves in all dances. These same moves can be done in this dance, but it can also be done in that dance, or that other one.They soon find out that most women are very good at following. You just have to learn to be a better leader and have fun.

"Sweet Someone" by Don Ho

The most important to the field are the intermediates with some experience and they are able to fully experience the movement to their favorite music in sheer joy over and over again. Any new moves are made with well accepted patterns and most partners will follow easily. Many of you out there may have a slightly different viewpoint and your viewpoint is very welcome in these blogs.

"Beware My Foolish Heart" by Jimmy Borges

Dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms of expression. Nothing else can so effectively give outward form to an inner experience. Poetry and music exist in time. Painting and architecture are a part of space. But only the dance lives at once in both space and time. In it the creator and the thing created, the artist and the expression, are one. Each participates completely in the other. There could be no better metaphor for an understanding of the mechanics of the cosmos.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

What's Doin? Rerun #83

OK, hard to find organizations on the Coast that help and are willing to allow me to help them too. I deleted two from the Mini Web Sites because it seemed I was interfering in their kuleana. So instead of spending time looking around for an organization I will have to do it all by myself. I will hope to meet up with a group that is willing to kokua. Whatever I want to give, I will make the news available in the Dance Waianae blog. It might just get around, patience.

Headquarters will be my home in the high rise in Nanakuli.

"My entire life can be summed up in one sentence. It didn't go as
I planned it. But that's OK. I can live with it."

So first priority will be how to get rid of the freebies. Second will be how to get a Two Center to stick their "2 cents in." A photo or two and a bit of info is all we need, now and then. Wow, whatta big difference that will make.

Then we can all have fun doing what we like to do most, Dance. Unfortunately things are not always run that way. We just have to do the best we can with what is available and in Waianae it isn't much. Luckily most of us will be doing pretty good with time.

 "Spill The Wine" by Eric Burden and War

Don’t wait for practice sessions to practice your dance. Put your favorite music on at home and dance to a healthy you. Specially in the dances with only one natural step rhythm such as Waltz, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha. - Most have one basic, -You get that basic step in good, enjoy it to your favorite music and the rest will be a piece of cake.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Tempo, Timing and Rhythm Rerun #82

By Russell Kawamoto, Village Park

A complete working knowledge of music structure is unnecessary in order for the average beginner dancer to begin to understand the essentials. In fact, many competitors will readily admit they have only a limited knowledge of the music. For anyone studying to perform  or compete, having this knowledge would certainly be an edge. Of course loving the music first gives you the biggest edge.

"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals;
I am a vegetarian because I hate plants."

Tempo should be the easiest for the beginner to recognize. The music sounds too fast or too slow or just right. You don't have to go by any stop watches though it may be handy. Less than 40 beats per minute, Fox Trot, over 40 beats  per minute Quickstep. You want  to use a stop watch, go ahead. Most will find it easy to tell a Slow Waltz from a Viennese Waltz.

The Latin dances are usually  the easiest. A Bolero is slower than a Rumba, but I have never seen anyone use a stop watch. Important, yes, but in recreational dancing the DJs usually do a good job and the tempi is very nicely danceable
 "Chattanooga Choo Choo"   ...   Glenn Miller (Tex Beneke)

Timing begins to get more technical. All dance music is divided into, and made up of, a series of spaced, reoccurring beats grouped into small clusters, called Bars. The regulation of occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve a desired effect, as in dance music, Knowing how many beats per Bar are being played, is knowing its time. and this hints at what the dance is. Slow Waltz is written in 3 beats to the bar and your dance patterns are fitted to each bar. Slow Fox Trot and  Quickstep are 4 beats to the bar. Most Tangos are in 2 beat to the Bar, but a few are written in four. Most dancers have a good idea, and just use the natural moves to the music they like and it can be quite easy.

 "Take The "A" Train"   ...   Duke Ellington

Rhythm is often confused with Time and sometimes mistaken for Tempo. Simply put, Rhythm is the regular repetition of accented beats within the music. The rhythm is tied in with the music the dancer is dancing  to. They can feel the ONE, two, three in the Waltz and feel free to move within its parameters. They can feel the One, two, three, Four in the Rumba and feel free to move to that rhythm.

Most beginners that wish to learn to dance already have most of the requirements. They begin by knowing the type of music rhythm they want to dance to. They find that their body discovers the rhythm on its own and starts moving naturally to the music.

You can watch others and that helps, whether in a dance club, at a dance studio, or in a movie. Listen for the drumbeat, and notice how the dancers' bodies mimic the rhythm of the drum. Practice at home moving different parts of your body to the the music  Notice that you can follow the beat with any part of your body, or even several parts at once.

Listen to the drum beating in the music as you move, and let your feet follow the rhythm just as your hands, toes, and other body parts did before. Practice using other parts of your body to add more expression as you continue the basic dance step. You've already learned the dance rhythm---the more you practice, the more you'll be able to do it without even thinking about it.

Before you know it you will be adding new moves to the music of your choice and you will realize you have become a cultural dancer.  *  *  *  *

Pub's Side Note: Automobile sales are going up, naturally. Riding the present "cattle" cars is for the birds and with a forced rail in ten years, not much choice anymore.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Palladium Rerun #81

In the May 2014 issue of Honolulu magazine, Senior Editor, David Thompson, explored the World of Ballroom Dancing in Honolulu. It was read throughout the islands and there was not much commentary. However, in the current September issue of Honolulu is a letter to the editor.

By Mary Flynn, Honolulu, Hawaii

The Ala Wai Golf Course Multi-Purpose Recreation Center is a public utility and, by its very name, should be shared equitably by many nonprofit organizations. The attitude of the Hawaii Ballroom Dance Association in this article reflected badly on the Association and the City and County of Honolulu. By their own admission, dancers use the facility frequently and seem to feel that their organization should have exclusive rights.

According to the facility's online schedule, dancers are scheduled in July for 88 percent of the available slots  (120-136). This can hardly be considered "multi-purpose" and suggests a cozy relationship with a single group. Honolulu does not have many rental sites for large groups that are available, affordable and have parking, whether they have a slippery eucalyptus floor or not.

It would be a shame and possibly unethical or even illegal to limit this facility to ballroom dancers when others, equally worthy also need it desperately. I firmly request that the City and County of Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation investigate this near-monopoly.

Mary Flynn, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Pub's Side Note: I am sure there are several out there with a good defense of dancing at the Palladium. Our Guest Authors or Two Centers are welcome.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Getting There Rerun #80

Twentieth of the month and the entire enchilada is pretty clear. Most of the blogs, (not counting Town Dancer) are in about the same range in average hits per day according to my stats. The one item that will move any one of these blogs into a definite second place is the Two Center, or the Guest Author.

"it is during our darkest moments when we must make
every effort to focus on the light."

Whoever they are, they can pick the blog and they will all see the difference.  Since nobody knows this but me, I must be patient enough to wait for the proof which is in the pudding. I have deliberately over diluted the readership but the overall average hits per day are still going up.

Web sites attract the functionaries, the top people in the dance organizations. Statements made there are "for whom it may concern." Blogs seem to attract the run of the mill people and just about anything coming from the outside is social media. By and for the average dancers of which there are more of than any other group.

"What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong

So anyone of you just send the information and I will proof read it and print it. If you send a photo I will photo shop it for its best advantage before I print. You can try one time and see the result that everyone can see. I am sure you will like what you see. This is a blog.

Only few days left Rerun #79

This blog is from November 3, 2012, we had troubles then

and it has not gotten any better.

Dark money is a term for funds used to pay for an election campaign without proper disclosure before voters go to the polls. If an election is held and "dark funds" helped sway the voters, it is termed a dark election. Funds can be spent on the behalf of a candidate running in an election, or to influence voting on a ballot question. Some are not aware of the implications of voting for crooks.

 Los Angeles Rapid Transit buses, almost 100 seated passenger capacity.

The phrase “hitting a new low in politics” is usually an exaggeration. But in this year’s race for Honolulu mayor, that statement appears right on the mark, with PRP and "Dark Money." Caldwell has been in denial but he is in it up to his ears and more people are becoming aware. There will still be many suckers voting for crooks.

New Chinese tandem buses with over 100 passenger capacity. We are not talking cattle anymore, this is the 21st Century, we are talking human beings. And they will all see that there are 100 cars missing from the freeway right in front of them. The drivers are "sitting" in the bus.

Pacific Resource Partnership (PRP) and other pro-rail special interests are spending over $3 million – an enormous sum in an Oahu mayoral campaign – to tarnish the reputation of Governor Ben Cayetano and thereby boost the election chances of staunch rail supporter Kirk Caldwell.

 This is the answer to all our problems and at a much reduced cost.
This could probably benefit the entire island.

PRP, an organization of general contractors and unionized carpenters, knows the $5.3 billion heavy rail boondoggle would cost much more than estimated and reduce traffic congestion by less than two percent. Cost estimates are now at Seven Billion. That’s why PRP is trying to buy the election with an onslaught of vicious attack ads, “push polls,” mailers and other propaganda filled with distortions and outright lies concerning Governor Ben’s three decades in public service.

San Francisco found out too late that they had been taken by the same crooks that are in Honolulu now. But they soon realized that not many users wanted to go to trouble of getting to the rail. Buses were full. Rail was empty. High maintenance cost, and everyone agreed it looked like hell. They finally tore it down. Now the city looking beautiful again and people riding their tandem buses very nicely. But some in Honolulu want us to spend ten billion dollars on another disaster. Auwe!

And Linda Lingle says it may bankrupt the state. She hasn't taken into consideration that the neighbor islands may be asked to help in the paying. May take 30 years but that is what Caldwell and the rest of the crooks are demanding right now. And many that have been suckered in are going to vote for him. Dumb Dodos.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

There Is Still Hope Rerun #78

Dwindling down for the Eastern Part of this Island. If that is what the residents want, I certainly must respect. Fortunately we got this news.

Friday nights at the Community Room

Koko Head Recreation Center in Hawaii Kai.

cost: $22.00 for one dance class per person /$44.00 for two dance classes

Dates of dance classes: October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21

Senior Instructors:  Sally Forges / Cris & Vicky Visoria   
Dance assistant: Maurice Morita

6:30 p.m. American social waltz
7:30 p.m. East coast swing
8:30 p.m. Dance class ends

"Kindness: It doesn't cost a damn thing and you can
sprinkle that shit everywhere."

The line dancers first, and I would like to add, that the more important ones would be those that have more men in the dancing. There is a ratio of at least 10 to 1 at the present time. And I do not know if it is the fault of the men. Either that or men will have to start line dancing groups of their own. Those that start as line dancers develop rapidly into very good partner dancers with a natural styling all their own.

Pub's Side Note: Sorry folks but I had to shut down Town Dancer blog again. The Scam Spam Robots are getting in again. Blogger just doesn't have the programmers with the capability to stop them.

The Swing dancers are second; There are two dance groups on Oahu and both have their own websites but no counters. They do not know if they have 1000 readers or three. With news from them, including advertising flyers, I could be of help to increase the membership of these clubs. Opinions as always are invaluable and it is something I will seek more of in the future.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Bikes Rerun #77

A bicycle, often called a bike, "pedal bike", "pedal cycle", or "cycle", is a human-powered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. Has always been considered the most efficient form of transportation. A bicycle rider is called a cyclist, or bicyclist.

"The public has an insatiable curiosity to know everything,
except what is worth knowing"

Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century in Europe and in a couple of decades were plentiful in the US. They now number more than a billion worldwide, twice as many as automobiles. They are the principal means of transportation in many regions. On Hawaii, they also provide a popular form of recreation, and have been adapted for use as children's toys, general fitness, military and police applications, courier services, and bicycle racing.
"A Bicycle Built For Two" 1892

In many ways, there has never been a better time to be a bicyclist on Oahu. The number of cylists has been increasing slowly for a number of years. Now with the coming Disaster of the Rail and the obvious deterioration of public transportation it has become imperative for quite a few citizens. Just to get around, commute to work. Progressive mayors in many cities in the US are laying down bike paths and installing bike racks in many public parking lots.

A Flying Pigeon in Hutong.

The classic Flying Pigeon bicycles are the PA-02 and PA-06 (men's) and PB-13 (women's). These are one of the most iconic symbols of old China (the sturdy, single speed black roadster bicycle ridden by the masses). And fully aware that Oahu wants to do everything possible to avoid the Rail Humbug.

They are simple, conceived of as a working machine meant to last a lifetime. They are strong, all-steel single speed with 28 in (710 mm) wheels, fenders, fully covered chain, sprung leather saddle, rear rack and rod brakes (a handlebar lever connects directly to the brake pads), double stand (PA02 and PA06) or side stand (PB13). Like the Ford Model T, they are only available in one color, black, except for the flare of vanilla at the fender tips. They can be equipped with a dynamo lighting set.

The government estimates that a half-billion bikes are in use throughout China, many handed down through generations. The Pigeon is one of the few nostalgically-regarded artifacts of China's postrevolutionary era, which was darkened by the Cultural Revolution and intense poverty.

The company does not advertise its traditional bicycles such as the PA-02 as the brand is so infused in Chinese society and culture and much of the brand's old rolling stock is still in service.
There are, however, localized advertising campaigns. And they are now coming into Oahu. The Rail Mess is goofing up a lot of people but Bike Riders can take advantage.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Waimanalo Rerun #75

I really don't know what happened but this blog was due to stay in single digit average per day hits for another month or so. It is getting close to two digits, now. Waimanalo has a population of about 10,000, about half are native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is to not to stop questioning."

Waimanalo is about three miles long (5 kilometers) and about a 30 minute drive from Honolulu. It is located between Makapuu Point and the Kualoa Ranch, the town faces a long, white, sandy beach. Waimanalo is primarily an agricultural community. Farms and ranches are nestled against Koolau Mountains and lots of ornamental plant farms, nursery's, and ranches. Waimanalo Beach was used for filming Baywatch Hawaii and it has almost 2000 acres of Hawaiian homestead lands. And they enjoy their music and dance as much as anyone else.

"Walk Through Paradise With Me." by Melveen Leed

So Rome was not built in a day. I will continue to try to help wherever I can. However, there are those who think I am receiving too much from their "good looks, talent, fame and good fortune." It is their decision and I will respect. Meanwhile, I have to find those I can help and I do not have too much time. I have work to do and I must be on my way. Good luck to all.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Dance Beat 1993 Rerun #74

Written by Colin Hillary, twenty years ago:

In the more ignoble forms "winning" might simply be the result of running faster or climbing quicker if being pursued by some hungry carnivore. As was said all those years during the introduction of the Wide World of Sports - 'The human drama of competition, bringing you the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat."

"We share much information in our blogs and as in any human
endeavor,the more one knows what they are about,
the better their results will be."

In our modern and complex  society, technology has opened the vast new area of further human competition. Contests of uniquely human skills involving instruments and materials which are consistently being refined and developed. Then we added rules and equipment, formed into teams, created time limits and in some cases even made other animals do the work.

As if this wasn't complicated enough, we even devised a way of having other humans "decide" who was the winner based on their evaluation of a performance or demonstration of skill. It was really the only way to produce a winner, at least in the minds of the participants and aficionados of such human endeavors as diving, gymnastics, ice skating and ... competition dancing! ****

Who said, at Blackpool?
"It is far better to be 0-for-10 than to be 0-for-0."

We have had almost 20 different dance entities appearing in our  blogs.  Social Dance Clubs, Chapters, Night Clubs, Web and Blog sites. Most have been very light. However there will be another dance club coming soon (Oahu East?) and they will take full advantage of the power in our blogs. Everyone will see the difference, now that I am beginning to know how this communication works.

Blogger's Law Number 51C:
"A Lie can go around the Palladium three times
before the Truth can get up the stairs."