
Friday, January 8, 2016

Dance And Sex

By Lawrence Shackley, Kahala

Women seem to like a man who isn’t trying to win a popularity contest. Leave that for the under 30. Watching the learning guys do the lame “fist-pump” on the dance floor is laughable, but the women still flock to them. Because it’s the vertical expression of a horizontal desire (and thus, ladies love it) Women like to know whether a man has any sense of rhythm. If you can’t even bob your head along to a simple beat, she's not going to waste her time with you in bed.

"It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about."

A lady’s worst nightmare is the guy who alternates between jackhammer and old man speed for no apparent reason. She wants a man who can sense her rhythm and keep the flow. That is why a good dancer turns women on -- because it makes them think of sex. Dancing is fun (seriously,) and men have been dancing for centuries to celebrate and amuse themselves. Dancing is in your DNA.

"My Love" by Paul McCartney & Wings 

If you don’t like dancing, it’s because someone along your route pointed the wrong way. Get out there with few of your friends, take a few lessons and learn to enjoy it, and enjoy the feeling of being a real man. "I got started dancing because I knew that was one way to meet girls." ~ Gene Kelly

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

So what ever happened to Zumba? Most of us may have heard of Zumba, which is a fusion of exercise with Latin dance moves and music. For those who hate working out, or are bored with the run-of-the-mill aerobics classes this coulda been it. Zumba might have been a solution for you, just moving to various and slow rhythms could be enjoyable. But then there has been more interest in Line Dancing too.

"Not many care if you don't dance well. Just get up and dance.
Great dancers are not great because of their technique,
they are great because of their passion."

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