
Tuesday, January 19, 2016


On Saturday, the total of all our blogs here in Hawaii, went over the magic 167 average hits per day (equivalent to 5000 hits per month.) None of them are store bought hits, so we know that dancers are beginning to recognize the benefits of blogging to everyone in our dance world. That is, those that are willing to use it for the benefit of all.

"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, stupidity
may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

I started blogging about fifteen years ago with the intent to unite the entire dance community on more social grounds. It would be for the benefit of all dancers regardless of dance club affiliation. And I have stressed the importance of being honest, forthright, aboveboard and goal driven. Our next goal is 200 average hits per day. Impossible? Easy with Guest Authors and Information Contributors.

"Days Of My Youth" by Carol Kai

Some from the outset have declined to join us in this endeavor and gone their own ways and I have tried to respect their wishes. Others have decided to become participants at a later date which is just fine with me. The fact remains according to our counters, that every time we lose one reader, we gain two. And I just cannot keep it up by myself. It just becomes too much SOS. The information contributors are increasing too and not only from Honolulu.

"Stranger in Pardise" by the Four Aces

Many of them have become aware that, in these blogs, everyone's opinion is important and I make every effort to make it easy for them to express it. This is Social Media on Oahu. Our information contributors will share photos and commentary on our dance socials. We believe in having fun dancing to our music and we want to include it in the lives of our friends to the fullest. I believe that our blogging and social relationships should benefit all the parties involved. Come on Two Centers we need more of you.

"To hear beautiful music, to touch someone, to move, to inspire.
That may be the true gift of dancing."  

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