
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Update Good

Steady as she goes and I expect some faster moving as soon as we get an additional Guest Author. We cannot blame them for holding back. It has always been a commitment that they did not want to make. Ours is quite a different set up and it will take awhile to communicate this to everyone.

"We can seldom convince someone we are right or they are wrong,
they have to see it on their own. In our blogs, all we can do is present
different opinions, the readers will come to their own conclusions."

The feedback on the slide show has been very favorable. At the moment we have 23 photos but I expect to go to at least 25 and from there, play it by ear. Probably best at around thirty. I am weeding the older ones out. You got a favorite, send it in.

You can all see that the best ones are from four to seven people and it would be better if they were not just in a "row." Some that I have in now, have a very good variety of presentation. We are even getting suggestions about a slide show in Oahu and Beyond. Sounds good to me, but in a couple months when we get this one going good.

This blog does need some coverage in the Evening club action. Elk's and Ige's in Pearl City, and Fleet Lounge in the Airport area. Sooner or later there will be one in Kapolei. And of course, there will be a Pau Hana dance somewhere on a Wednesday evening that is coming for sure. The Fleet Lounge would be perfect because of all the light industrial area surrounding. There are your customers, a thousand available, but if you only get a hundred, would be nice.

You got judges on the social dance floor? You can bet your dancing shoes on that. For the men, who are leading and into social dancing, it would be much better to stick to the Bronze level and very little into the Silver. Learn these to as near to perfection as possible and let yourself enjoy listening to the music and moving to it. You're a social dancer, feel it and move with it. When you are ready for more difficult movements, you will know it. Then you may still not look like a professional but anyone will be able to tell that you are really dancing.

"At The Jazz Dance Ball" ... Victor Silvester

A study conducted by Nucleus Research confirms that Facebook usage severely hampers productivity, with over 75 percent of employees using Facebook during the work day. The impact on productivity varies by users, but the study did find that some users spent upwards of two hours on Facebook during the work day. Whether you work at home or in an office, Facebook has an almost irresistible pull that can negatively impact your productivity

Pub's Side Note: Just got it on the grapevine, Yes, they will make a few changes if Romney gets in, It will now read. "The rich shall inherit the earth." These people are Christians.

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