
Thursday, December 6, 2012

The New Photo Icons

Most everyone is well aware in the difference of blogs or web sites with or without graphics of some kind to liven up the looks. In blogs it helps to represent the currency of the blog, they are up to date.

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education;
dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be
able to dance with the pen?  ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

I use drawn graphics and converted photos of dancers in two separate categories in my files. (Examples in these included posters.) However I am going to set up a third file. "Our Dancers." These are our people that are getting to be well known in our blogosphere.

I will go about getting these photos slowly and I started out with Calvin & Debra Ota. Lately I added Theo and Diana Behic. These photo icons will not be identified by name. Most of our people will recognize them immediately. Their photos will not appear every day, nor every week, and no guarantee of every month. They will be used in the new posters I will make. Then they will appear only when I use that poster. And the poster will be available for anyone.

They will be full length photos, hopefully in a beautiful dance pose. They will be left in color to appear in the posters and they will be "our" people. They will all be changed to "transparency." That is in the poster only the dancing figures will show.  Anything in the background of the photo will be transparent and show whatever is in the poster background. Gradually I will delete all the other "professionals" and we will only have "our" People.

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