
Monday, October 19, 2015

What's Doin' This Week?

So many different types of dancers in our Dancing Nights group. We just should accept that all of us are different and unique in this world. That is why the different viewpoints are so acceptable in our blogs. Most of us are Average and that excludes beginners and those top dancers of the entire world.

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. 
Art is knowing which ones to keep."

The ones that are trained well in our social dance clubs will utilize smooth movements and subtle hints to let their partner know that they are interested. They will dance with a lot of flirting while keeping the musicality and proper execution of moves. Both partners will do what is necessary to dance well together. If necessary one or the other will slow it down to adapt to their partners skill level.

Many night club dancers just do moves to turn their partner on and will use tactics to get close and thinking a certain way - their way. Again nothing wrong with this as long as the partner does not mind. Many will go along some will not. It happens. How about social dance club dancing?

 "You Are My Sunshine" by Melveen Leed

The only thing is that if you are one of these dancers please learn some essential movements so that you are not tossing and dipping the girl unnecessarily or taking her off her weight shifts because you are executing your moves the wrong way.

"Stranger In Paradise" by Tony Bennett

With a little more time we will get along just fine, after all we have something much in common, "We Dance In The Night."

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