
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Our Evolving Dance Scene

I can see that our dance blogs will be the most powerful dance discovery platform on Oahu  – a place where the music players find their fans and dancers find music they love. It will happen not long after I am gone. We are driven by a single purpose: unleashing the infinite power of music by connecting artists and dancing to the fans, whether through earbuds, car speakers, DJs, or live on stage or anywhere dancers want to experience it.

“We can watch a dance and see an array of beautifully presented movements
or we can look deeper and understand that there is a particular message
and meaning to the movements that are being expressed.”

People who love both reading about social dancing and music might waffle Hamlet-like about whether to enjoy a blog or some tunes in their free time. But there’s a way to combine both! I don’t mean reading and listening to music at the same time, though you can do that if you don’t pay full attention to either. I mean reading dance blogs containing some musical  and dance elements.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Music is so much a part of our lives that its presence in literature can help readers relate to fictional situations and characters. Also, characters who love music are often creative people (as is the case with real-life music lovers), and creative people tend to be quite interesting. In addition, music can give us insights into what makes the protagonists tick: What do they listen to? Do they also sing, write tunes and/or play an instrument? Does music set off memories in the minds of others besides dancers?

Music’s jogging of memory is quite profound and on Oahu we are accepting the "Oldies But Goodies" as a separate parcel of enjoyment to music and how we dance to it. Dancers have found that they may hear a song that sparks a melancholy recollection of a major event in their youth.

"Moloka'i Waltz" by Amy Hanaialii

We are gradually developing a good team on Oahu, of highly informed musicologists that will be analyzing the hundreds of attributes for each musical selection which powers our "Oldies But Goodies" playlist. They will be delivering many hours of personalized music tailored to the tastes of each class of dancers on this Island, making musician and fan connections at unprecedented scale.

Don’t quit when the tide is lowest, For it’s just about to turn;
Don’t quit over doubts and questions, For there’s something you might learn.
Don’t quit when the night is darkest, For it’s just awhile till dawn;

Don’t quit when you’ve run the farthest, For the race is almost won.
Don’t quit when the hill is steepest, For your goal is almost nigh;
Don’t quit for you’re not a failure, Until you fail to try.”

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