
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Coming Around The Mountain

Dancing Nights, the Oahu dance blog for Night Clubs is just holding on to its own. Moving up very slowly. Just one steady additional Two Center would do wonders sharing more dance news for the reader/dancers. I have seven blogs on this Island and they are much too close together in average hits per day. When we get that one person, watch it. I am getting more physically limited every day and can only do so much.

"I used to be indecisive now I don't know."

Competitions are such great artistic shows and appreciated by so many. Why is it that the best competition organizers can do to identify participants is to pin a numbered cloth on the back of an expensive, custom made tuxedo in stark violation of all known aesthetic principles in an activity devoted to elegance, grace and beauty? If you say they got a good reason I will accept it. They are still beautiful to see.

"Psychedelic Shack" By the Temptations

To anyone and me it may be little, but to a person in need whatever we do could be a lot. To a person in need our small gestures could make all the difference. And for a brief moment, it could make those people feel like someone is actually for them ... at a time when they feel that everything, and everyone, might be against them. We can help and not destroy our fellow humans.

"La Golondrina" composed by Narciso Serradell Sevilla in 1862

My dream is still intact - two or three regular Two Centers in this blog and two or three regular Guest Authors all sharing the night club news with their fellow dancers. The hits would go through the ceiling and I could phase myself and finally resign. The blog would belong to them because they deserve it, they did it. The Junk Blogs will remain mine and I can still enjoy myself in my final days.

Not drunk just a few drinks: "I'm just a bowl in a gold of fish!" - "You mean
a fish in a bowl of gold" - "That's what I said, a bowl in a goldfish"

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