
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Social Dancing

From what I hear from various sources, most of the dancers night clubbing can pretty well dance with each other, just moving to the music of their choice. Fortunately 99 per cent of the movements are in the Bronze and Silver levels. Which is about right. The Gold is for the exhibition and competition dancers.

In the Internet, Attitude at the Dance.
"Take control of your attitude - Be solution oriented not problem focused -
avoid whiners and complainers - Be constructive, productive
and pleasant - Stay away from gossip and never criticize."

There may be 600 documented steps in Cha Cha Cha. The man has his routine of perhaps twenty five good solid moves, which he finds easy to lead. The next man may have a slightly different routine and the third man has an even more different routine. In night club dancing the KISS method is preferred. (keep it simple, stupid.) The thing is enjoy moving to the music.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

So for the follow, it is much more difficult. If she is lucky, all of her partners will keep the same routines within 35 or 40 steps. She has to follow them all. And bless them, these ladies are good followers and many make good use of the parts assigned to them. Most Latin Dances are for the lady to shine while the lead does the basic.

"Morning Dew" by Melveen Leed

Now that I am getting out more, I must plan on visiting some night clubs and blog'em. My usual equipment is a camera, and which I take the first picture to make sure the camera is working. I just have to be very careful because I have butterfingers. Then I find a couple dancers that can take few pictures of their favorite people. Then I take some blank paper and a couple pens to see if I can get somebody to share something for the readers.

"Yes, Wine is the answer. Now, what was the question?" 

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