
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Night Club Christmas

They say that that there is no such thing. Just a nice regular night of dancing. Well, I doubt that but no one gives us the details that we can share with our friends, relatives, neighbors and fellow dancers on this blog. The silence has been deafening. Anyway, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

LAGS: Latest And Greatest Syndrome has been a very important factor holding back the development of good social dancing on this Island, the weakness is in the collusion between the student and many beginning teachers. And it is basically good because we are constantly evolving and usually going for the better. However, if you do not have the basics down pat, you are lost in dancing deluxe movements with no finesse to go with the music.

"The First Noel"

This has existed for decades: The beginners are looking at the intermediates and want to go that route. The intermediates are looking at the advance dancers and wish to go that route. After so many years when they get to be advanced dancers (in figures) then they realize they should go back to and get the basics down a little better. Stands to Reason. How to do the Even Step, the Rock Step, and the Chasse, not in any prescribed way but moving your body according to the way you feel the music, now, that's dancing.

A pizza walks into a Pearl City bar and the bartender says,
"Sorry, we don't serve food here."

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