
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Moving Very Slowly

The Blogs are staying pretty stable with few average hits per day. There are bunches of hits a couple times per month from the search engines which keep these blogs a float. I have cut down to a blog every other day. And it may go to a blog every two days, depending on the feedback. Just one or two information contributors would do wonders. Photos at this moment are the most important part of our feedback. Oahu Dancer blog will have it's last posting for a while on this coming Sunday. Hopefully we can start the new year with it again.
Blogs are whatever we make them. Exact definitions of a "blog" is a fool's errand.

Dancing on the Internet for us, seems to be mostly in Facebook, in two groups. Dance Blogs and Dancers. And many of the reader/dancers read in both group posts. Most comes in the "to whom it may concern" category but it does get quite friendly because most of the readers know each other. And then, lucky for us, we are beginning to get some photos of our fellow dancers. Old pictures but remembrances of the "Good Times." So we have a lot reader/dancers on Oahu and we can sure share photos and dance information to keep us going until we can dance again.
"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

The announcement of a coming function is waiting but it may not be until Thanksgiving. Some thing will be planned. It will be restricted to a few people if we have to permit 50 square feet per person. But some already recognize that two people that live together can count as one. Masks, of course and temperatures taken not to exceed 104 degrees and a tube of hand sanitizer for each person. Getting complicated yes, we wont be out of it for awhile. But the real meat and potatoes for blogging is the description of what happened, after the fact, at the function together with photos and we spread the word.

"Blogging Writers: We dream. We write. We believe, therefore We are."

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