
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The New 2021 Clubs?

It won't be too bad, and if we all accept, we will be safer and our fellow dancers will be safer too. And we will do it until we get the all clear, perhaps by year's end. Married couples, people living together or in a serious relationship accepted. Masks will be worn and temperatures of the staff and students will be taken as soon as they enter the building and before they start dancing. Every person must complete a questionnaire to ensure they’re safe to dance. We don't have lobbies so everyone waits outside. The staff and students will be required to wash their hands before and after each lesson.

“Social dancers never lose hope. They believe that storms
make people stronger and never last forever.”
Additional hand washing stations with touch-free faucets and soap dispensers may be set up. Posted informative signs throughout to remind the staff and students to follow the safety protocols. We will be observing social distancing by spreading out students and their teachers throughout to ensure everyone is at least 6 feet away (and in another room entirely when possible) from other dancers. We must minimize unnecessary touch and personal contact while teaching and dancing.

"Walk With Me Through Paradise" by Melveen Leed

We will have a cleaning and disinfecting schedule. The hall will be thoroughly cleaned throughout the day and common touch points are cleaned at least every 45 minutes. We must eliminated hugs and handshake greetings. Just give a friendly wave hello and good-bye Whether you want to dance at home or in our sanitized dance rooms, we should be here to keep each other safe. We may avoid admitting Trumpanzees. Then too if you want to be safer yet, there will be Zoom.

"Social dancers believe that life can be better when you can dance."

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