
Monday, February 25, 2019

Photographs are necessary

We are down to five blogs but all five are getting more solid everyday, only because of something as simple as, we are learning more and we are teaching less. I have been running into dance Web and Blog sites on the Mainland and they are all different. There is a sameness in a few items that remain the same such as the type of dance or dances. For us on Oahu I have had to let the readers decide. Since I have little feedback it has been slow. Photos we need and I am not a Photographer.

"Social dancers believe it is every dancer's duty to give the world a reason to dance."

On Oahu we have the only full service photography school that is open to the public and devoted to commercial photography. Hawaii School of Photography has a program/course for you whether you want to learn how to take better photographs with your phone, further develop your understanding of more advanced camera mechanics, learn basic lighting techniques, or advance yourself as a professional photographer.

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I have Fumbleitis and have difficulty taking photos. So I pass my "point and shoot" camera around to anyone that can aim and press the button. I am getting photos that are the very varied and interesting. Maile Yagi emailed some dillies from the last social and the hits went through the roof, The most efficient photos seem to be in the three to five people group size.They give the distinction of having more than one person at the dance function. Too many people in one photo is difficult to get in a collage. We just want to show that people were there and the people, of course, want to see themselves there.

"Social dancers know that the Truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it."

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