
Monday, March 24, 2014

The Latest Studies

Getting some good stuff from the Internet. And the facts seem to be there. In Latin dancing there has been lotsa sex. In American Style, there has been some and the International has been sterile except in the ladies Latin costumes. Initial analyses showed that movement variables were significantly and positively correlated with perceived dance quality. Unlike the Professional set ups of today.

"Some days you just have to create your own sunshine."

Linear regression subsequently has revealed that three movement measures were key predictors of dance quality; these were variability and amplitude of movements of the neck and trunk, and speed of movements of the "right" knee. They have identified specific movements within men’s dance that influence women’s  perceptions of dancing ability.

Darwin found that much emphasis has been placed on conspicuous male secondary sexual ornaments and associations between such ornaments and female mate preference. Some of which exist to this day. They strongly suggest that such movements in dancing may form honest signals of male quality in terms of health, vigor or strength - though this remains to be confirmed.

"An exhibition dancer is an artist who uses the body as the canvas
and the music as the colors."

Whatever, our search seems to be leading us to the right place. And I am surprised that so many of our American Style dance teachers already understand all this. The immediate necessity is to get the Guest Authors on this blog to make it the first real Independent blog in the Pacific. They would run the hits up through the ceiling.

 "In Hawaii, dance blogs are enabling hundreds of dancers to express their opinions with reduced political risk simply because of the sheer number of like-minded opinions online. Facing these independent voices, the old clique machine starts to crumble."

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