
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Down She Goes

"And Where She Stops, Nobody Knows."

In the last ten days since my fall the total hits on all the blogs have dropped from about 330 average hits per day to about 310. Even with Town Dancer holding up as well as they have. The total hits will go down even more for I am just not in condition to get the information needed.

"I may be guilty of giving people more chances than they deserve,
but usually when I am done, I am done."

Is dancing competitive? I guess we cannot get away from it. Anyone who is sceptical of this should go to anyone of the new studios in Honolulu. They have really come into prominence in the last few months in all the blogs. From my reading of the blogs it is all with good reason and they have become well known throughout the Islands.

Easy to get into the regular official competition coming soon. Talk about competition! People are trying to psych each other out on the dance floor, intentional contacts and screaming support from the audience. Tears, crying, cheers, laughter. The dance floor can be an emotional place.

It is not unusual for dancers to practice up to 15 hours a week and sometimes more. Some literally eat, drink and sleep dancing. Supplementing their dance practice with fitness and cross training to ensure they will be ready to compete. With the new Aloha Star Ball coming up it may be a new world out there. We will all be able to see which groups produce the most consistent winners in the International Style of Dance. Surprised? What do I know? That is the name of their game.

"The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise" by Les Paul and Mary Ford.

Anyway, there will be a list of our blog stats posted in Town Dancer on the last day of every month. If any one of the blogs is going to be deleted, everyone will be able to see the reason and no questions need be asked. Advertising? No, we do not have any advertising.

Everyone will also see that a blog such as Town Dancer merely provides the platform. Each Blogger has their own blog and is completely responsible for whatever goes in. Simple enough, and anyone can do this in any of the other blogs. For sure everyone would see it in the hits. Guaranteed.

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