"One mistake won’t kill us, but the same mistake
made over and over again will."
A Salsa Club with a DJ is just fine most of the time but how about a Live Band? Live bands are usually limited to what they can play well. And bands usually know how to play less than 100 and the variety is usually limited. But on the Island of Oahu we have discovered, in this century, the extra value in the Oldies But Goodies even if they are too few and far between the millions that are published daily.
During the course of a typical four hour function approximately 50-65 songs may be played. Are we really prepared to wade through a list of thousands of songs to pick the one's we like? We could remember that we want all our guests, young and old, to have a good time. Fortunately with the Oldies but Goodies, we have enough to sprinkle the entire year without duplication and still enjoy what can be played.
"Ha`a Hula" by Loyal Garner
There will be a good place for each venue and we will gradually adjust to it without looking down on anyone. Let's be friends and enjoy the music and dancing of our time.
Pub's Side Note: Meanwhile you can check out Dancing Nights blog and see a good example of a Guest Author, Richie Fun and Marie as Contributing Editor, sharing the information for our increasing number of reader/dancers.