
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Good Dancers

We are coming up with some good dancers in the clubs. We have the "experts" that know what they are doing because "because they grew up with it," Some of these dancers actually know what they are doing in one or more particular styles based upon essential elements of dance that was passed down by others in their culture.

"From experience and error to error, one discovers the entire truth."

But many don’t and do not realize that they may be doing things a little wrong. Women do not like these dancers since they do not understand how to work with their partners natural movements, momentum and counterpressure. Often enough these dancers may be on beat but stepping between on 1 on 2 and more, this happens to make it very hard for the follow to adapt to. But this does not mean they are wrong, they are going out and having fun and that is what really counts. And the more you do it, the better you may get.

"In This Life" by Bruddah Iz

There are a lot of young people who will never be creative. And there a lot of old people who will never stop. Creativity is about making a lot of quick connections - about the things you know, the things you've seen. The more you've seen, the more you've done, the easier it is to make that jump into Creativity.

"How Great Thou Art" by Loyal Garner

You don't have to be an Einstein, just yourself is good enough. I have a learning disability in my old age. New type computer systems throw me, they are just too difficult to absorb. So I compensate by being creative and at present I am having a very interesting creation, this blogosphere. The great thing about creativity is that you don't really need anything special to do it. You don't even need free time. All you need is an open mind. It is also nice to know that I am going to give it all away.

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