The Rail Disaster continues: Hart CEO Grabauskas' resignation comes four months after City Council Chairman Ernie Martin called on the CEO to step down in response to a scathing report by the city auditor. Honolulu auditor Edwin Young said that HART's financial plans were not reliable, that cost projections lacked supporting documentation, and that it had no plans for operating and maintenance costs. Caldwell thought the Present Rail Party had it all controlled. HART Board Chairman Don Horner announced his resignation a few months ago.
That's two down, one more to go, Caldwell. More people are getting on the Charles Djou bandwagon and we may get an honest man now. More people know, that it has always been the money, Sonny. That is why they spent ten million dollars to lie about Cayetano. And look at what Caldwell and the Present Rail Party are trying to do to Djou. Millions and millions of dollars in profits have been made and there is more where that came from. The people? They know the project will not do any good for the people but they do know the people are going to pay through the nose - we all know that.
The Dance Pavilion at the Patsy Mink Recreation Center in Waipio, was cancelled by Caldwell to pay for the increase cost of the Rail Catastrophe. Perhaps it will go back in the plans and please the entire dance community of West Oahu. Only one group will not be pleased - the Fat Cats in the Present Rail Party. Of course there is a new one, the ABC party. Anybody But Caldwell.
"Three things cannot be long hidden, the Sun, the Moon and the Truth."
We could have gotten 1000 of these babies for less than one billion dollars.
Ride "comfortable" word deleted in all the Rail Disaster plans.
That's two down, one more to go, Caldwell. More people are getting on the Charles Djou bandwagon and we may get an honest man now. More people know, that it has always been the money, Sonny. That is why they spent ten million dollars to lie about Cayetano. And look at what Caldwell and the Present Rail Party are trying to do to Djou. Millions and millions of dollars in profits have been made and there is more where that came from. The people? They know the project will not do any good for the people but they do know the people are going to pay through the nose - we all know that.
"Somewhere Over The Rainbow" by Bruddah Iz
The Dance Pavilion at the Patsy Mink Recreation Center in Waipio, was cancelled by Caldwell to pay for the increase cost of the Rail Catastrophe. Perhaps it will go back in the plans and please the entire dance community of West Oahu. Only one group will not be pleased - the Fat Cats in the Present Rail Party. Of course there is a new one, the ABC party. Anybody But Caldwell.
Just received the latest on the Caldwell dance. "All you have to do is take three steps forward, two steps backward, then side-step side-step and turn around."
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