
Friday, August 5, 2016

Host Bars

We have plenty of Hostess Bars throughout the Hawaiian Islands, but we may be getting something else soon. Here’s a description taken of Wikipedia that discusses what these hosts do everyday, but not in Honolulu yet: While hostess bars in Tokyo often have men out on the streets getting clients to come into their clubs, hosts often go out onto the streets to find customers (referred to as "catch,") but these are usually the younger, less-experienced ones.

“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least
once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” 

The more experienced already have a list of semi steady customers and a little free time to spend talking story. A common look for a host is a dark suit, collared shirt, silver jewelry, a dark tan, and bleached hair. Recently clubs where hosts wear casual clothes have been increasing, but still the norm is the smart suit look. At these clubs there can be a (shifukud) or "own clothes day" where the hosts can wear their normal clothes.

"Sakura De Amor" by el trio Los Panchos

Pay is usually determined by commissions on drink sales with hosts often drinking far past a healthy limit, usually while trying to hide their drunkenness. Because the base hourly wage is usually extremely low, almost any man can become a host regardless of looks or charisma (depending on the bar). However, hosts who cannot increase their sales usually drop out very soon, because of the minimal wage. The environment in a host bar is usually very competitive, with thousands of dollars sometimes offered to the host who can achieve the highest sales.

Sign in Pearl City: Dog for sale, Eats anything and is fond of children.

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