
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Night Clubbing on Oahu

By Roy Ching, Pupukea

Okay, you probably already know that Fridays and Saturdays are the busy nights for a nightclub on Oahu. In fact, their busiest time – the time most people are in the club – is between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. The club may open at 8 p.m. but not many folks will visit at that time. If you’re anxious your first time out, I suggest visiting during the early hours – when the club is less likely to be crowded. How you should dress will depend on the nightclub you’re going to.

"You don’t dance? You were a dancer once upon a time.
You just stopped and you don’t remember when."

If it’s a typical club, casual party dress is fashionable, just clothes that’ll fit you well. And, if the weather is cold, consider handing your jacket the cloakroom worker if they have one. Most nightclubs require visitors to pay a cover charge to get into the nightclub. You’re also likely to be stamped on the arm or be given a bracelet, so if you go out at any time, you can gain entrance again without paying once more. When you go to a nightclub for the first time, you’re going to be in an unfamiliar situation.

"With A Song In My Heart" by Frank Sinatra 

If you want to adapt quickly, consider learning where the bar is as soon as possible so that you can get your drinking on. Stand by the bar, sipping your drink to observe everything around you. Keep in mind that you’ll pay more for your drinks – as they’re usually up to three times higher than what you’d pay outside the club. So, bring some additional cash with you. Depending on the club size, it may have a size to match dance floor. If you start to feel anxious, start walking around. Strike up a conversation with people who are near you.

Tiny Bubbles" by Don Ho

And if it is dancing you want you can enjoy visiting many places just to "case the joints." You will find plenty of nice places with plenty of nice people. Then you can take your choice. I would like a nice place on the North Shore. Those  that live in Kapolei would prefer other locations. Makaha?

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