
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Not Much

This blog is not doing so good this year. Same viewpoint as before, trying to get some information about the Night Club scene for our Night Clubbing readers. Just not getting it. Most of the people I come in contact with are not very aware of the potential in a blog. They don't know much about web sites either but they believe that any organization that has a web site, has arrived. Patience, the readers will eventually find out the use of each to share the dance information with our fellow dancers.

“Social dancers know that art doesn’t give rise to anything in us that isn’t already there.
To find pleasure in moving to music is in all of us."

The largest Night Clubs with the most fans have beautiful web sites. They are making money hand over fist. They feel that they do not need a blog site too. No hu hu, they should do as they please. However there are some out there that are thinking blog site. But blog site for one dance organization will not get you enough readers to get out of the single digit average per day hit. It must be a multi-faceted blog such as the ones we have on Oahu.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

And thanks  to Maile, she sent this Email in JPEG format, just copy and paste.

Since social dancing is one of my hobbies, it has a prominent place in all our blogs. A good start for any night club that does not have a web site would be to contribute dance information to share with the reader/dancers. For now the beacon for expansion and promotion is in West Oahu. At the moment led by Dot's in Wahiawa and Just Tacos in Mililani. There is one coming up in Waikele or Waipio, but may just be rumors. Fortunately, the Wahiawa Ballroom Dance Club has the best influence on dancing in this entire section.

"Our blogosphere is changing, the only difference between
a rut and a grave is their dimensions."

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