
Thursday, February 28, 2013


The west is still adjusting very nicely and this blog is moving along very slowly but in the right direction. With the new algorithms by Google Analytics we get much less hits. I had no idea how much we had in bounce or in spiders and crawlers. The search engines cut back and Google eliminated a lot of hits as meaningless, which was correct.

Blogger's Law #24c: "Nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse."

For a hit to mean something it should be someone who got to our blog because they wanted to see what was there that was interesting to a dancer. The rest don't matter. So it really doesn't bother me that much and as far as I am concerned it is starting all over again but I know we will progress. We still get new readers every day.

Oahu - West is establishing its territory very nicely. The social at Kapolei Chapter is as far west as the blog goes, and Aliamanu is about as far east as it goes. It will eventually cover everything in between very nicely. It could eventually average 100 hits per day (3000 per month.) We have some very good teachers in the American Style of dance which is most popular and it will be danced socially in the rising Night Club climate as well.

"Blues In The Night" - Woody Herman

Of course the only cloud in the sky is the Rail Fiasco and the negative effects are already being felt by the people in this sector. And the big money is already being made by the other side. The biggest con job was of course the hiring of Grabauskaus for the biggest government salary seen in the entire Pacific Basin. He is now getting more than the Mayor of Honolulu and the Governor of the State combined. How about that for a rip off? Fortunately, you have all been unanimously selected to pay of it.

All those cars missing right in front of these buses in Europe. The drivers are "sitting" comfortable inside the bus. In Honolulu, they make it so uncomfortable you gotta buy a car. Dumb Dodos. But there may still be a chance for the Dance Pavilion in the West and it is still in the budget. But they need the money for the Rail Tragedy and we all know, its the bread, Fred. Those guys expect to make millions in profits and that is what counts. Its the money, Sonny.

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