
Wednesday, June 5, 2013


This is a very good dancing section of the Island of Oahu for our blog coverage. However, it has been quite disjointed for a couple years while clubs are jockeying around for control. the results have not been too good for the dancers. There will be another club that will be just a little less clique and more free wheeling and allow the reader/dancers a little more freedom.

"It is of course possible to dance a prayer."
~Glade Byron Addams

Our present Reader/dancers are not all equal and can be roughly divided into three "A" classes. Using the example of one thousand readers in our blogosphere, these are all approximate figures just to get a better idea of what it looks like. Please note that all of our reader/dancers have chosen the category they wish to be placed in and they have the complete freedom to change it anytime they wish.

"Bring It On Home To Me" by Sam Cooke

AAA class: These are less than one hundred very good people. They include the Guest authors, and their fellow travelers, those that help in getting information and photos, and sharing this with all their fellow reader/dancers by means of the blogs. Hopefully, they will become Guest Author of the blog of their choice.

They recognize the publicity value to their club or group. They know that with a blog, they are getting some new kind of very current newsletter, at no cost, not only for their membership but for a larger group of dancers. They are first to notice the laptop computer for sale and are the ones that will develop these blogs into real "social media," and will eventually evolve them into independent blogs beholden to no one.

"God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys

AA class: Maybe 200 possibles. They read most blogs, most of the time. They are very busy in their own personal involvements, they like to dance, have good opinions and are able to converse about the blogs and the zine at times. They do not have much time to help anywhere else so it is very little.

A class: Maybe 400 possibles. They are readers and viewers, not necessarily dancers, of an ocassional blog and some zines. They are mildly interested in promoting ballroom dancing. They are primarily interested in their own social group and in their own dance environment. They continue in the way they have been doing it, for maybe 30, 40 years. Just wanna be members.

"Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather to all who can read it." ~Martha Graham

B class: The remaining 300 are dancer/viewers, and just have very little interest. They do dabble but very carefully so that they never get really involved. They are not enemies. Many are fans of show business dancing. But this whole blogosphere and zine could be rather extraneous. Clubs have their own newsletters, Their members have their own reading matter elsewhere. They got along very nicely without these extraneous things for 50 years and can probably get along another 50 years without them.

C class are the rest of the dancing environment, we don't know much about them and most will remain there. None of them will ever know about the computer they could've gotten for free. And they have every right to their opinions, they simply do not count in our world. But it has been their decision and they may be stuck with it, there is nothing we can do.

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