
Friday, March 25, 2016

The Juice Bar

By Anthony Hanaoka, Liliha:

Actually not many people know what a Juice Bar is. Yes they sell juices. Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Pineapple Juice, Berry Juices etc. But is that all? Not on the mainland. And a good fruit juice is not only deliciously appetizing but good for your health. Fortunately we also know that dancers are not drunks. Money cannot be made easily in an ordinary alcohol bar for dancers. And no one on Oahu has ever "pushed" the fruit juice bar.

‘If we would be a real seeker after truth, it would be necessary that at
least once in our life we doubt, as far as possible, all things.’

Nowadays, They also sell Slush Drinks. And very simply put, they are a little more liquid than shaved ice and using the same type of syrups for flavoring. Very thirst quenching because of the ice and the syrup is familiar and nice tasting. There are also other variations.

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They also sell Smoothies. And what is a smoothie? Basically, a smoothie is a blended and sometimes sweetened beverage made from fresh fruit (fruit smoothie) In addition to fruit, many smoothies include crushed ice, frozen fruit, honey or contain syrup and ice ingredients. They have a milkshake-like consistency that is thicker than slush drinks.

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Interestingly, the difference between a fruit smoothie and a fruit juice is that smoothies use the fruit in its entirety, whereas a juice simply extracts the liquids from a fruit. For this reason smoothies are said to contain pulps and fibers, as well as in some instance the nutrients from skins (for example apples) and therefore can be marketed as being a more healthy and nutritious drink than a fruit juice.

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A Juice Bar on Oahu can have start up costs ranging from $10,000 - $20,000 and there are franchises available. However an established Night Club on Oahu can install a special Juice Bar for from $2000 to $4000 depending on the location. And with the proper inducements to the "dancers," can make more profits than the alcohol bar. May come with the new Pau Hana Dances. (Tea Dance.)


"An Optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds.
 An Pessimist fears this is true."

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