
Sunday, April 21, 2019

New Update

Oahu night club fans are getting to be very knowledgeable about the local dance scene and are developing opinions. Only a few years ago, social media was something most people thought of as a tool for teenagers and college students. That has changed. Facebook now has more millions of active users and the fastest growing demographic of Facebook users is the over-30 age group. If that didn't make you sit up and take note, it should have.

"Social dancers believe that most importantly they should
feel good about themselves in dancing."

The night club members and potential customers probably have a computer and probably have high speed Internet access. And if they are not already using social media of some kind, just give them some time. They are not stupid, they will be akamai. Think you are immune? How did you access this article? There is a good chance you came to it online. The regular social dancers of the last century are a bit behind but catching up steadily.

"Shores Of Haleiwa" by Loyal Garner

The communication mogul of the 21st century is the World Wide Web and the tools that make it work have advanced so much in such a short time. What is Web 2.0? No, you don't need to throw out your year-old computer or buy new software. Web 2.0 really relates to the growing trend to make the web more interactive, collaborative, innovative, and social. The big difference in Web Sites and Blog Sites is on its way,

If not ME then who? If not YOU then who? The power we have together is more;
So much greater than ever before! So why not me? And why not you?
Together there is so much we can do! 

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