
Tuesday, April 23, 2019


As we approach the end of this month it has become clearer that we are at point of diminishing returns, The hits will continue to rise but very slowly we gave gotten rid of most of the scam spam robot hits. It is becoming easier to distinguish between a terrific dance Blog or just a mediocre one. They are separating a lot more. One thing is certain the reader/dancers will make the final decisions.

"Social dancers believe that dance brings out the best in all of us,
it uplifts a mood to some other level."

Finally got my memory card photos out where I can use them. A little late for fans of Wahiawa Ballroom Dance Club who had their Easter social on Saturday. But if may look nice for the readers of this blog and give them an ideas how their party could be shared with the readers of any blog.

"It's so nice to have someone to share the Love of dancing. Thank you for letting the
world know that staying young and healthy is Ballroom dancing.
Keep up this awesome work."  Jesse and Georgie

"Social dancers enjoy spreading the love of dance, to share the magic
with a master – and a beginner. To share magic with their
friends and those they don’t know well."

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