
Saturday, October 26, 2019

The 21st Century

In the last century we had the American Style of dance introduced on Oahu officially by the Aiea Ballroom Dance Association in the 60s.That still left a large remainder of us in the street dancer environment on Oahu, The International came in the 70s and rose through the 80s to be bigger than the American until the opening of the famous Oahu Palladium. Then the moves that were "correct" for the International Style became "Correct" period. If you were not dancing their way, by default, you were dancing "Incorrectly."

"Social dancers do not have the conclusive advice that could get us up
out of our seats and start dancing to our favorite beat."

The term "Ala Wai Dancer" came about to describe the people that were dancing at the Ala Wai club house. This was mainly in the American Style of Dance. And these new people were definitely looking down at anyone that did not dance their way. Within a year of the opening of the famous Oahu Palladium, a new term arose. "Junk Dancer" for anyone not dancing the International. This was with a deadly Gong sound and this was with the acceptance that the Intentional Style was "Ballroom." All others were something else. And none in that high and mighty group realized that the day of the Big Bands and the Big Ballrooms were over.

"Maui Waltz'" by Loyal Garner

Now we are in  the 21st century and dancing on Oahu is changing for the better of all the dancers, not just the self proclaimed upper classes. American Style of Dance is reclaiming some of their lost ground and the Social Dancers are still emerging and now considered over half of the dancers on Oahu. Many of the discipline dances are out or minimized in socials. And many new fad dances are being accepted. And when was the last time you dropped in some night club for a little Paso Doble? That is International.

"Creativity Is Inventing, Experimenting, Growing, Taking Risks,
Breaking Rules, Making Mistakes, And Having Fun."

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