
Monday, December 30, 2019

The New Year Coming In Clear

The new year is looking pretty good for the dancers. New movements and new teachers? Why not? In this century we seem to have clearly developed several different groups in most of the Studios and Social Dance Clubs. Most will end up in the biggest group of all, the “fun” dancers, the social dancers. All based on the American Style of Dance with many variations. Also omission of some official syllabi dances, and the addition of some specialties, the peripherals such as swing, salsa or Argentine tango. All of it melding into the Night Club culture.

"Social dancers believe that they must enjoy the sound of the music and then
they can tie what their feet are doing to the beat of the music."

And then of course there is the group that was number one at one time, the International Style of Dance. We could all understand and appreciate those dancers with the dedication and desire to learn in this particular discipline and compete,  Many turned out to be terrific exhibition dancers and even could make a living as theatrical dancers. Fortunately, the America style exhibition dancers are able,  and do borrow some International moves in their exhibitions.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Then we have the Fad Dances that will always be coming in and going out. Remember, Macarena, Lambada, Reggaeton, Electric Slide? Bachata is making good headway and even supplanting Salsa in some places on the mainland. Many dances are just waiting in the wings, like, Zouk, Kizomba, Zumba and most with Latin influence. Solo dancing for kids is increasing. Nowadays with high powered advertising they last longer than 50 years ago.

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom
that experience can instill in us. What the new year brings to us will
depend a great deal on what we bring to the new year.”

Sunday, December 29, 2019

The new view of the social dance scene

I cannot get around much anymore because of my physical disabilities and what little information I can get from the Internet on Oahu is pretty good. Turtle Bay to Kalealoa Airport & Kapolei. How about Makaha and Waianae all the way to Makapuu Point? Christmas Time and the New Year and the entire island is jumping and I want to share it with my fellow dancers. Social, includes the Salsa, Bachata, Line, Swing and Tango as peripherals. We are so lucky to have so many social dancers on this Island. And of course we should appreciate our good music makers too, we are so fortunate.

"Social dancers have believed that people experience a blurring
of the self into their groups thanks to the synchronization
that occurs while social dancing."

For our blogs it is essential that we get some feedback of the dance scene from anyone. Everyone's point of view is important. Not only the happenings in our dances to blog up in our current events, we could also inform our fellow dancers of the coming events. We can all see what a great job Frank is doing in his blogging. Terrific photography in his blogs and he has beautiful videos too. Hey Hey,  that's it. Web sites are good, but Blog sites are much more current. The entire Blogging scene will expand in this coming year.

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

At the beginning of each new year we take part in the annual tradition of making New Year’s Resolutions. The most common New Year’s resolutions are. Quit Smoking, Lose Weight, Saving Money, Spend More Time with Family. Often enough these goals are broken before the end of January. And we all know that instead of wasting money on gym memberships that will most likely be lost, it will better to get into our kind of social dancing and have a lot of fun too.

"Social dancers believe that the exertion inherent to dancing releases
hormones — like any other form of physical exercise — and
these molecules are behind the bonding effect. The latest
studies suggest both views may be correct."

New Year? When?

The Time Zone Effect: We all know there are different time zones in the world and we have been pretty well accustomed to accepting the fact that New Year's Eve in New York is celebrated quite a few hours before us here in Hawaii. We can likewise accept the fact that the New Year is celebrated at different times throughout the world. The local time within the various time zones is defined by its difference to the world time standard or Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

“Social dancers have learned to believe that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

However, the borders of the international time zone map are not drawn up as precisely as they could and they are adjusted very nicely to align with national and international boundaries and it has worked out just fine. So now we could think about where are they going to celebrate the New Year first?  Hooray, Samoa is where New Year's Eve is first celebrated, - on the small island nations of Tonga, Samoa, and Kiribati. New Years Eve Celebrations in New Zealand and Australia follow an hour later. This is all according to the Gregorian calendar, so don't knock it.

"Happy New Year" by Abba

"Auld Lang Syne" by Mariah Carey

Meanwhile on Oahu we are having New Year Celebration Dance Parties going on right now, and they will continue for part of January. We are social dancers and considered it a "season." Most of the commercial music and dance parties will be after Christmas and last until New Years Day. Social dance clubs usually have their social dances in the early part of January and they have themselves a ball. Happy New Year everybody.

 "Social dancers are well aware that dancers are so unique. Just like everyone else."

New Year? When?

The Time Zone Effect: We all know there are different time zones in the world and we have been pretty well accustomed to accepting the fact that New Year's Eve in New York is celebrated quite a few hours before us here in Hawaii. We can likewise accept the fact that the New Year is celebrated at different times throughout the world. The local time within the various time zones is defined by its difference to the world time standard or Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

“Social dancers have learned to believe that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

However, the borders of the international time zone map are not drawn up as precisely as they could and they are adjusted very nicely to align with national and international boundaries and it has worked out just fine. So now we could think about where are they going to celebrate the New Year first?  Hooray, Samoa is where New Year's Eve is first celebrated, - on the small island nations of Tonga, Samoa, and Kiribati. New Years Eve Celebrations in New Zealand and Australia follow an hour later. This is all according to the Gregorian calendar, so don't knock it.

"Happy New Year" by Abba

"Auld Lang Syne" by Mariah Carey

Meanwhile on Oahu we are having New Year Celebration Dance Parties going on right now, and they will continue for part of January. We are social dancers and considered it a "season." Most of the commercial music and dance parties will be after Christmas and last until New Years Day. Social dance clubs usually have their social dances in the early part of January and they have themselves a ball. Happy New Year everybody.

 "Social dancers are well aware that dancers are so unique. Just like everyone else."

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas to all

Christmas Eve is the evening or entire day before Christmas Day, the festival commemorating the birth of Jesus. Christmas Day is observed around the world, and Christmas Eve is widely observed as a full or partial holiday in anticipation of Christmas Day. On Oahu, together, both days are considered one of the most culturally significant celebrations in Christendom and Western society. Then of course, for Trump, it is strictly political and a way to make Big Big Bucks.
"The Christmas Week: we hear the old familiar carols play - and wild and sweet
the words repeating, of peace on earth, good-will to men."

"Jingle Bells"

The social dance scene on Oahu is still pretty well divided into the young (under 30) and the more experienced dancers. The young will have more DJ music and more up to date, the latest. It is mostly non-stop and enjoyed by the "Mod" group. The ones in their 30s and older will attend more live music that will play the classics, the oldies but goodies. Those that have remained the best throughout the years, For a live band it is not just as easy as slipping in a new disk. A new one requires work to perfect the right sound.

"Hark, The Herald Angels Sing"

"Joy To The World"

Then there is the slower pace in the live band. The silence can be almost as valuable as the sound of music. There is the interval of thanking the lady and taking her back to where she was seated. Then the lead goes back to where he was seated, takes a sip or two and has a little conversation with his fellow dancers. Enjoy the surroundings, say hello to friends,  perhaps a rest room break, order another drink. It is a party, and not anything frantic.,

"Silent Night"

“Christmas may give social dancers the opportunity to pause
and reflect on the important things around them.”

Monday, December 23, 2019


Is Wine the increasing choice of drink for dancers? You just sip, sip and sip. Many seem to know the different classes of wine and even the differences in smell. I am thinking of trying it one of these days, maybe healthier than Rum and Coke.

"Perhaps Christmas is not necessarily about things. It could be about being good to one another and carried over for the entire next year"

"Jingle Bells"

Wine has a long history dating back about 8,000 years (along with agriculture) and is thought to have originated in present day Georgia (Russia) or Iran. It took about 1500 years to get to Europe. It became very common in classical Greece and Rome. In early Greece, 20000 Greek men and wine in the afternoon, evolved the entire Western concept of ethics that we know today.

"The First Noel"

Wine has also played an important role in religion since ancient times. The Greek God Dionysos and the Roman God Bacchus represented wine. Wine has played an important role in ceremonies in the Christian religion such as mass. And wine was drunk at the Last Supper.

"Hark, The Herald Angels Sing"

Thirty years ago, I could see empty hard liquor bottles at some of the social dances. And always a few beer cans but no evidence of wine. Now. not many drinkers at the socials but it has become apparent in Night Clubs and Da Big Shows in Waikiki. WINE. There must be other reasons why wine is becoming "acceptable."

"Silent Night"

From the Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam, one millennium ago.

Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of Spring
Your Winter garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To flutter - and the Bird is on the Wing.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmassy Already

Mainland blogging narratives have presented us with an  "International" consideration of identity and power in our dance environment. Some people on Oahu blogs in Twitter may get read in Nigeria by someone. At the moment the best defenders of the faith in Hawaii are our local blogs for they help us to challenge social and cultural hierarchies and power structures. The real power will be when we get the Guest Authors. The people of this island will dance the way they wish and will not be dictated to by the highest levels of the world dance societies that we have now. The disciplines have strict syllabi, some of which are now extinct in Social Dance. Many accepted in Social Dance are excluded from their syllabi.

"Come, All Ye Faithful"

"Jingle Bells"

Social Dancers have well understood in this century that Social Dancing can be readily accepted on Oahu and the dancers will prevail. There are just too many of them and more will be getting in to get their two cents in. The hits on our blogs do not yet resemble what the real thing should look like. In my few years of experience I know that all too well. I increased the number of blogs and then decrease the number. I am now down to five blogs and the hits are going up but ever so slowly. We need feedback and hope for a reasonable Two Center with an honest opinion (will be different and unique) that is all that is required. Clones we do not need.

"O, Holy Night"

"Silent Night"

Tango? Of course but what Tango? The issue is still in doubt. With another school of Argentine Tango coming up, we have our hands full. We had good old American Tango for so long in Hawaii starting from WWII. Then in the sixties the Filipino Tango began to make its appearance. In seventies, the introduction of the International Tango along with entire syllabi of the International Style of dance. Then a big introduction of Argentine Tango as a pheripheral
"Feliz Navidad" por José Feliciano

"Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.

Christmassy Already

Mainland blogging narratives have presented us with an  "International" consideration of identity and power in our dance environment. Some people on Oahu blogs in Twitter may get read in Nigeria by someone. At the moment the best defenders of the faith in Hawaii are our local blogs for they help us to challenge social and cultural hierarchies and power structures. The real power will be when we get the Guest Authors. The people of this island will dance the way they wish and will not be dictated to by the highest levels of the world dance societies that we have now. The disciplines have strict syllabi, some of which are now extinct in Social Dance. Many accepted in Social Dance are excluded from their syllabi.

"Come, All Ye Faithful"

"Jingle Bells"

Social Dancers have well understood in this century that Social Dancing can be readily accepted on Oahu and the dancers will prevail. There are just too many of them and more will be getting in to get their two cents in. The hits on our blogs do not yet resemble what the real thing should look like. In my few years of experience I know that all too well. I increased the number of blogs and then decrease the number. I am now down to five blogs and the hits are going up but ever so slowly. We need feedback and hope for a reasonable Two Center with an honest opinion (will be different and unique) that is all that is required. Clones we do not need.

"O, Holy Night"

"Silent Night"

Tango? Of course but what Tango? The issue is still in doubt. With another school of Argentine Tango coming up, we have our hands full. We had good old American Tango for so long in Hawaii starting from WWII. Then in the sixties the Filipino Tango began to make its appearance. In seventies, the introduction of the International Tango along with entire syllabi of the International Style of dance. Then a big introduction of Argentine Tango as a pheripheral
"Feliz Navidad" por José Feliciano

"Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Week

When does Christmas season start? Fortunately we do not have to set up rules for every one to follow. It is all in the heart. Most of us on Oahu may like to keep the Thanksgiving spirit until the end of the month of November. Most commercial establishments set up Christmas decorations on the first of the month. Schools come in shortly thereafter and many private homes wait until after the tenth. Our dance groups are pretty well set a month ahead but the real deal begins right about now. Christmas Week.

"It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

'"Away In A Manger"

Holiday Christmas parties are an important part of this festive season, the different groups of dancers on Oahu can gather together someplace to rejoice in the celebration. Celebrate the Season. The entire island of the various dance groups are planning a holiday party somewhere and please say you’ll be there. Let’s celebrate the season with good friends and cheer. Christmas may be a time of reflection, a time for good cheer, a time for friends and family, during this special time of the year. You and your guests are cordially invited to whatever Annual Christmas Party, Let the warmth of friendship take the chill from the air, and the spirit of the season make winter easier to bear.

"Silent Night"

"Hark The Herald Angels Sing"

While it's true that this Discipline type ballroom dancing can take time and practice, it's not true for social dancing.  Most people learn social dancing as an offshoot of the American Style of dance. It is just more natural. Dancing is not like anything else, - you must like music. If you don't like music, forget it. It may be difficult at first, but after a while, your body will find pleasure in moving to music. Dancing may become more and more enjoyable. And most us will just accept where we are and not hold our noses up in uppity manner.

"We old timers may make a small difference in the concept of our
lives in this corner of the world. Our self evaluation may be
the belief that each of us is insignificant and the world
 will not significantly change when we pass."

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Moving West

Life is like a camera - Focus on the important things - Capture the good times - Delete the Negative - Learn to Develop. And if things don't turn out, then take another shot.

Most of the residents on Oahu can accept that we are very clearly in the 21st century. The Industrial Parks are slowly being permitted again in West Oahu.  We do not hear the "Keep the Country, Country" that the Fat Cats of Honolulu were insisting - that everyone has to do business in Honolulu. There were even rumors that there would be no shoe stores in the country. Slippahs would be just fine. And the tourists could come by and say, "How quaint." Ladies, in the higher classes would be taught to curtsy and men should at least kneel on one knee. Hey, Hey, the 21st century has arrived and we have more freedom.

"My Molokai" by Willie K

Kapolei Shopping Centers, has been very good for most needs. But the Present Rail Party had insisted that you do everything in Honolulu. Second City was just shibai, it has remained a bedroom community in the last century. The thinking and the big bucks were in building the Rail Catastrophe. Please Note it is no longer referred to as "Rapid Transit." Everyone has accepted that it will be slower to get from point A to point B. Perhaps Waianae can be Second City. Would be Perfect.

"Molokai Waltz" by Amy Hanaialii

"Education costs money.  But then so does ignorance."

Meanwhile dancers have to find how and where to dance in the West. Let's face it, we can just about dance anywhere, and we don't need any special dance shoes. What we dance is for the masses, not the classes. But finding a place where we could dance more comfortable is difficult to find. Most places that could have been used for dancing have raise the rentals to pay for the Rail Disaster.

"Social Dancers, love the art of expressing music in body movement with
 a partner, and many will keep doing it for the rest of their lives.".

Wot Snew?

Night Clubs are ready, willing and able to attend to dancers on Oahu. As this century and our dancing on Oahu continues to evolve, our biggest social dance groups may get smaller and our smaller groups may get bigger and more of them, Waianae and the North Shore is just about there, as people are getting more independent and want to dance their way. Our social dance groups are growing and still based on the American Style of Dance. We certainly are fortunate to have so many good teachers of the American Style of dance on this Island. And some dancers have noticed that there may be differences in the teaching. You got Rules? Who set them there?

 "Social dancers believe that you should not let what
you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

You Tube and the dancing from Africa, you have all seen them before. Just up and down, left, right, left, right to the beat. That was the beginning about 10 thousand years ago. And it is generally accepted that the order was, agriculture, drums, music and dance, throughout the world and independently.The inhabitants of earth learned to dance, which at the time was merely to move the body, any part of the body, to the beat of the drum or music. And this all took maybe four thousand years to develop different moves.

"Jingle Bells"

"Hark, The Herold Angels Sing"

Mexico is the only place in the Americas where indigenous writing systems were invented and used before European colonization. Though most were destroyed by the Spanish as blasphemy. These stupid Indian Astrologers had the nerve to say that the earth moves around the sun. Dumb Dodos. It took the Europeans another century to realize that the Indians knew what they were talking about. In Mexico, they learned to dance and somewhere along the line some of their professional dancers developed the Rock Step. It was basically the same incessant step except that they moved the body a little more in the direction of the step, back and forth.

Male Supremacist in Mililani; "If all the Women's Lib Activists were laid end to end,
- Would be the best thing that ever happened to them."

Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas is almost here.

As the ending of year is here we could acknowledge the Ultimate Stress Buster, - our social dancing. Do you wish to recover from a grueling week at work? Adult social dance parties have the power to do that. These casual events may allow you to unwind and just be. The peppy music, the lively atmosphere and fun company are enough to bring back any lost stamina. They may also help you feel confident and happy. In addition to that, all that moving and grooving may make your body feel better and active. Of course, it directly affects your health and boosts your happy hormones. WE GOT IT, BABY!

"Social dancers believe that there is a simple beauty to social dancing
and you will live as long as you dance."

We do need to communicate much better on this Island. We are in too many small pieces and we may do better if we are Island Wide - Oahu. Verbally we are doing very well. Terminology, not bad and the dancers will change it to suit themselves, not from any "rules up above."

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Caberet Dancing; Athletic exhibition type dancing done in Night Clubs using very few standard steps. Mostly Trick or Unique movements rarely seen on our regular dance floors. Call: A verbal pattern usually used by instructors. Movements that characterize the steps of the figure such as "slow, quick, quick" or 'forward, side together." Camel Hip: Projection of the hip to the opposite side of the step, such as Merengue. Casual Attire: Usually means no coat or tie. Comfortable.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

CBM: Contrary Body Movement (English) also known as Contra Body Movement in Hawaii. Contra and Contrary are identical terms. It is the movement of the body turning the opposite hip and shoulder toward the direction of the moving leg. It is usually used to begin all turning movements.

"Social Dancers may need a quick reminder to be themselves,
live life to the fullest, or follow their dreams." 

Christmas is almost here.

As the ending of year is here we could acknowledge the Ultimate Stress Buster, - our social dancing. Do you wish to recover from a grueling week at work? Adult social dance parties have the power to do that. These casual events may allow you to unwind and just be. The peppy music, the lively atmosphere and fun company are enough to bring back any lost stamina. They may also help you feel confident and happy. In addition to that, all that moving and grooving may make your body feel better and active. Of course, it directly affects your health and boosts your happy hormones. WE GOT IT, BABY!

"Social dancers believe that there is a simple beauty to social dancing
and you will live as long as you dance."

We do need to communicate much better on this Island. We are in too many small pieces and we may do better if we are Island Wide - Oahu. Verbally we are doing very well. Terminology, not bad and the dancers will change it to suit themselves, not from any "rules up above."

"Fly Me To The Moon" by Jimmy Borges

Caberet Dancing; Athletic exhibition type dancing done in Night Clubs using very few standard steps. Mostly Trick or Unique movements rarely seen on our regular dance floors. Call: A verbal pattern usually used by instructors. Movements that characterize the steps of the figure such as "slow, quick, quick" or 'forward, side together." Camel Hip: Projection of the hip to the opposite side of the step, such as Merengue. Casual Attire: Usually means no coat or tie. Comfortable.

"Maui Waltz" by Loyal Garner

CBM: Contrary Body Movement (English) also known as Contra Body Movement in Hawaii. Contra and Contrary are identical terms. It is the movement of the body turning the opposite hip and shoulder toward the direction of the moving leg. It is usually used to begin all turning movements.

"Social Dancers may need a quick reminder to be themselves,
live life to the fullest, or follow their dreams." 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wahiawa Christmas Shindig

Nice day to prepare for the big Christmas shindig at Halemano Plantation. Camera, ready, only got one camera, paper to write notes, pencil. My medications, my Rum and Coke.and my right clothes. The Handi Van was to pick me up at 5 but arrived a little early but it was alright with me. Got to the place about 5:30 and there was already a nice crowd there, looking happy.

Nice people. Wonderful Celebration. Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year..Wishing good health, and God's Blessings
for my wife and families, ~ Monday Verzon

It was not easy to find a place to park my Rolador and sit. I have to move around and come back to the same place. And I take my seat with me. The people are so helpful and I got a place near the DJ and fairly comfortable. I have to look around and find some who can push the button on my camera and take a few pictures. Not coming out too good which of course happens with professional photographers too. This point and shoot camera cost about 70 bucks so perhaps someone can suggest a better camera. I may have enough photos for all five blogs, if I get some by email, but so far, nothing. I make each blog with three collages and each collage with six photos.

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Dancers.
May the Lord bless us all" ~ Felipe and Madeline

"Why limit HAPPY to an hour?

- happy is at Wahiawa Dance's
Christmas Party
Thanks for a good time of fellowship

Marie Laderta 

The leisurely pace of the arriving dancers is nice. No one is in a hurry to find the place where they will spent the evening, Greeting old friends, getting your pupus and drinks, talking story, listening to the beautiful music, and some are even dancing. Hey, this is social dancing to da max, a party. Fortunately we got a lot of photos from Richard. First three blogs were, Social Dance Oahu, Oahu Dancers and Dancing Nights. I may make tomorrow Dance And Live. Mahalo.

"Have a grand and Happy Holidays and may all be safe
and have a prosperous New Year. ~ TessC


"Season Greetings, Aloha." ~ Patrick

"I love Christmas. I love dancing with WBDC. They are fun people~ Gloria Pfister.

My views are not enough to do justice to such a great occasion as this. On Oahu, everyone is beginning to know Social Dancers. Now we must get feedback to make this Social Media. Wha' dat?  Many of you do not know it yet but a few of you are going give me some good feedback. And you will help me get rid of my best blog. I wish all of you a very Happy Year End Season..

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the

ballroom dancers on Oahu Island."
~ Rayli

Three collages is 18 photos and that is just about enough for any blog. But we are lucky and we have many more photos now than before. So even for the ones we must delete, we have enough to post to the other blogs. Why Not? Tomorrow it will be Dance And Live blog. And the readers on this Island will see what is going on in the Central Valley. Yes, I know, with Facebook and Twitter, I might get a reader in Nigeria, or Lower Slobbavia, but I am content with the Island of Oahu. Mahalo.

"Jingle Bells"

I apologize to those that I could not read the names to post their opinions. I am old and I make many mistakes. However, it any of you wish to have their good wishes posted, email it and I will post. Mahalo everyone.