
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Increasing the readership

Because I didn't know anything about blogging 20 years ago, I have experimented with many types of content and SEO help in getting hits. This was overdone, I am not selling bananas. They didn’t do that much for me and just gave me enough to know what I did not need. The content remains pretty much the same, however, I have come to the conclusion that to build up an extensive reader/dancing public is to evolve the blog into Social Media and that requires different opinions. Feedback from the readership to share with our fellow dancers.

"Dancing can help with weight management alongside increasing
spatial awareness, good for the body and the mind."

Highly recommended is to be a Two-Center, willing to contribute their two cents of dance information for the benefit of all our reader/dancers. And they are completely in control. They can email the information once a week, once a month or once a year. No commitments, your decision. From there it is up to anyone if the wish to be a Guest Blogger. In effect your own blog within the dance blog. You can get in, write, post photos, edit, save, delete and publish when you are ready. All without saying boo to anyone.

"Morning Dew" by Melveen Leed

In Hawaii, dance blogs are enabling hundreds of dancers to express their opinions with reduced political risk simply because of the sheer number of like-minded opinions online. Blogger, Word Press, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook etc. Facing these independent voices, the old clique machine starts to crumble. With enough Guest Bloggers, the hits will go through the roof, and I can get rid of my best blog. I am getting old.

“If we are not for ourselves, who is for us? And if we are only
for ourselves, what are we? And if not now, when?”

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