
Saturday, December 7, 2019


By Roberto Gonzales, Niu Valley
In the first civilizations in Mexico, the professions were developed 8000 thousand years ago. Royalty and the politicians around them were first. Gradually there were others, the high priests, the mathematicians, the astrologers and among these were the professional musicians and dancers. They did not have to work in the fields, seven days per week. They got all that they needed, a place to sleep, some food, clothing, and it was mostly men. You need a little nookie, they could fix you up. And from the very beginning they evolved the first variation of the even step, "the Rock Step."

"Social dancers believe they can try to be clones at times."

Same as the Even pattern, but you could rock, back and forth or sideways. No one is sure but perhaps it took a full millennium to evolve the Chassé. At this time, they were also evolving music.  The move must have had many different names according to the place where it was used and no one has ever had a patent on it. The name was first applied in ballet when dance experts recognized the movement and used the term, "Chassé," from the French which means, to chase. Basically, it is the movement of one of the feet, followed by the second foot somewhere behind it and then stepping in the same the direction with the lead foot.

"Moliendo Cafe" por Azucar Moreno

Basics tell us that we can do forward with either foot, backwards with either foot and sideways with either foot. Variations? Not many, perhaps a thousand or so. Now, it you take the Rock Step, break on the "two" and you will naturally rock back on the three. Then a Chassé on the four and one, and with the right music, you gotta perfect Cha Cha Cha. Someone invented this recently? Hah! And of course, they may even tell you how to do it "correctly." Yeah man.

 Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

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