
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Feedback, Pubish, Post

Many of the people that I have been in contact with in my dance life, have at one time or another published something in a newsletter, website or blogsite. And many have the use of Twitter or Facebook. So the phase of getting them to share with our fellow dancers on our blogs will be slow, but is should not be too difficult. And now I think that Social Media is going to be realized faster and easier, after we open up on Oahu. The reader/dancers will eventually find that they can feed back easily and have it printed in any one of our blogs.

“Social dancers believe that it isn't as bad as we sometimes
think it is and it may all work out."

Then we shall have real Social Media even though most reader/dancers have little concept of what that means at present. We will all learn. All advertising will change in tone. Newspapers, Magazines, Radio and Television will almost be out of it for the dance scene. Websites and Blogs will be most of it. The micros such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr will also be used. This is Social Media communication and most of us will learn in time. Announcements for marking your calendars for next year will be out. We will have our hands full with a dozen places to go this weekend and those will be our priorities.

"My Molokai Woman" by Willie K

Our blogs will be "current" publications, - very current and even then there will be some "cancellations." This is the era in which we live. Meanwhile we welcome dance news from anyone. Send it in and it will be posted under your name. Everyone becomes responsible for what they write. Naturally. I will try to avoid ventriloquists. It is just that we should be grateful, not only to those with whose views we may agree, but also to those who have expressed more superficial views; for these also contributed something, by developing before us the powers of thought.

"Life should be really simple, but many of us insist on making 
it complicated, - Let us live life to the fullest."

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