
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Street Dancing 101

The Walking Step is the most basic of all and which has at least a dozen different names depending the level of teaching. And the higher the level, the more complicated the instructions. As one should suspect it is just left, right, left, right and so on. These were the first steps that were done to drum rhythms and music in every culture when agriculture set in 10 thousand years ago. The best example of primitive walking steps are the videos of present day African dancers, in which they are just jumping up and down and enjoying their music, left, right, left, right and so on,

“If the past is made out of facts ... Social dancers can guess that the future is just hope.” 

Anyone can learn fast and enjoy a Foxtrot, left, right, left right to the four count and then do the same in the next measure. The only differences are in the styling which simply means the different moves of the feet, knees, hips, shoulders, head and maybe even the nose. You don't want to move any of it? It's up to you. Nobody gonna tell you what to dance. You move to the music like you feel it, just let it. You can do the same in a Waltz, left, right, left, in one measure and then right, left. right, in the next measure, but you are still using the walking step.

"My Molokai Woman" by Willie K

And you will let your body lead you according to the music and your fellow dancers. Waltz and Foxtrot have different stylings and Waltz has a three count. And of course you can get fancy. In the Merengue, you have a very definite body style, but it is still, left, right, left, right and more sideways to a 2 or a 4 count. The original Milonga was with a walking step and had a pounce at the end of eight counts because it was a "Cat" dance. So for the men who lead, there you have several dances to start with that you just walk to the music. And you usually start with you left foot. Hell, its a start.

“Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

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