
Monday, January 21, 2019

The Center of Oahu

The Center of Oahu is always very important information for people that were going to be around for 20 or 30 years down the line because it moves. Yes, I know, most people do not know what we are talking about. What and where is this demographic center? If you take the population of this Island and run a line North to South with half of the people on the West side and half on the East side. You have half the solution.

“Social dancers believe that music is the most abstract of the arts;
dance is the most concrete.”

Then if you take a line East to West with half the people on the North side and half the people on the South side, you have solved the problem. Where the lines cross, that is the demographic center of this Island. When I arrived on Oahu about 40 years ago, the Demographic Center of this Island was right about where the old stadium use to be in Moiliili. I planned on moving near there and it took me more than 10 years to get there.

"Ku'u Lei Hoku" by Amy Hanaialii

Of course by this time it had moved West and closer to downtown. In the year 2018 this center was almost in Aiea, Yet many old time residents of Oahu still think in terms of downtown Honolulu as if that was still the center of this Island. With the new building in the Ewa plain plus some in the Central Valley and Waianae including business parks by the year 2020, Pearl City will be the demographic center of Oahu. And it will probably remain there for another decade. We have never ever needed a Rail Tragedy like we got.

"Success is never final. Failure is never fatal.
If we stick to it we can win."

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